我在聽很老的電影主題曲。現在播的是<<美女與野獸>>。Ever just the same/ever a surprise/ever as before/ever just assured/as the sun will rise… certain as the sun/rising in the east/tale as old as time/song as old as rhyme/beauty and the beast. 好喜歡聽Celine Dion的聲音。我一直說這是我最喜歡的Disney公主電影。
其實我記憶最清楚的是Little Mermaid. 可是在看完電影前我已經看過那個故事(也許只是其中一個版本) ﹐書中的美人魚公主在王子的婚禮上帶著要刺殺他的刀子跳進海浬﹐變成泡沫了。
我居然又被這騙到哦﹕選一個0-9中你最喜歡的數字﹐乘9 ﹐把兩位數加起來﹐再加20 ﹐減去你吻過的男生的數目﹐就是你結婚的年齡。知道答案的人不准多嘴哦﹗前幾天SKY幫我看手相。她說我應該晚婚才會快樂﹐要不然有很多挫折。不過我事業將很發達。要是可以選的話我寧願不要事業呀。
聽過Sarah McLachlan的Angel嗎﹖一首好老的歌。City of Angels看過好多遍﹐始終不想接受不完美的結局。覺得日劇<<美麗人生>>也是同樣﹐天使曾在生命中出現過﹐為何要離去﹖然後他們帶著記憶中的愛去體驗生活﹐帶著悲哀為他們愛的人快樂。
Spend all your time waiting
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there’s always one reason
to feel not good enough
and it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
oh beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins
let me be empty
and weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight
in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you’re in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there
so tired of the straight line
and everywhere you turn
there’s vultures and thieves at your back
and the storm keeps on twisting
you keep on building the lie
that you make up for all that you lack
it don’t make no difference
escaping one last time
it’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees
in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you’re in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there
you’re in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here
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