這個週末甚麼地方都不想去, 不開電視, 不看新聞, 想離真實的世界遠一點. 但即使只是在網上游蕩也避免不了看到那些讓人心寒的數字和圖片. 所以我想我還是不能把自己關起來, 畢竟即使我不聽不看不想戰爭也不會結束. 本來準備把寫在英文版裡面的日記翻譯成中文, 但同樣傷心的事情想兩次, 太虐待自己了.
Soldiers are dying. In the words of Kendall Waters-Bey’s father as he holds up his son’s picture and speaks to President Bush through the media, “this was not your son or daughter. That chair he sat in at Thanksgiving will be empty forever.”
The body count is at 9 for U.S. and 14 for Great Britain. I never really understood England’s support of this war, and I wonder if Prime Minister Blair is beginning to have the same question asked. The reporters’ views seem rather grim as they watch the difficulties of which the coalition forces are enduring to take down cities. And what of the captured soldier’s being interviewed on Iraqi TV? I can’t imagine — sitting amidst people you were told were your enemies, not knowing your fate, not knowing whether the people who sent you here have the power to set you free again. Even the people we are trying to free don’t seem to welcome us. This is what one Iraqi had to say on the BBC boards:
Sadir, Baghdad
I really wanted to support my country but it is a difficult task right now.
Daily Kos – War Blog. I must say it is biased toward the anti-side. But the numbers are not made up. Well, only as much as CNN or NBC twist the truth to make reality sound better.
Where Is Raed? – A blogger from Iraq… Interesting to read things from the other side’s perspective.
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