
禮拜五在圖書館借的三部電影﹐結果只看了一部Memento(其他兩部我有時間還是會去看的啦﹗^^”)。這部2001年的電影(google上查到的)中文翻譯為《記憶碎片》﹐《紀念品》﹐《失憶》﹐或《凶心人》(這翻譯也真夠爛的)。由Christopher Nolan導演﹐主演為Guy Pearce(這男的身材還真棒… *^_^*)﹐屬於那種整片電影播映是都在好奇到底是怎麼回事﹐但不會很可怕的suspense 🙂

大家都推薦這部片子還是有原因的﹐很欣賞它述說故事的方式﹐不知道這種時間顛倒的storytelling是不是創新﹖第一幕就很引人入戲 — Guy Pierce用polaroid照相的sequence被反過來播映。股市斷斷續續在用黑白和彩色的幾分鐘片斷中反方向描述﹐每看完一段都會對前一段有不同的了解﹐卻又常常冒出更多的疑問。不像有些電影﹐還才開始就已經知道結局。情節緊張﹐兩個小時不知不覺就過去了。


不過要是像主人公一樣失去了創造新記憶的能力, 會是甚麼樣的感覺呢? 你知不知道自己一天天在變老, 還是永遠停留在同一瞬間? 如果那一瞬間是痛苦的, 像主人公所說, 就一輩子都不能讓傷痕愈合了. 如果那一刻是快樂的, 卻不能永遠都保留那種快樂, 因為你會看到身邊的人衰老, 離去, 而你卻永遠在原地徘徊. 記憶真是種奇秒的東西. 如果沒有辦法紀錄自己人生的一切, 活著對自己來說有意義嗎? 雖然記憶也不是絕對的, 不過談起這個話題可以扯到很多如現實於虛構的世界, 甚麼 I think therefore I am之類的哲學問題, 所以我還是閉嘴好了 =p

Everything You Wanted to Know About Memento – 專業的影評, 不過要看過電影後再去讀喔!


5 responses to “Memento”

  1. digitaltofu Avatar

    This is my top 3 movie of all time, for some reason it really scared me, because i think.. i’ve forgot something sometime during my life… *shiver*

  2. It sounds good□I’m goning to watch the movie!

  3. I think we’ve all forgotten things in our lives… OMG… I’m not friends with a serial killer am I?! :O

  4. A regular visitor Avatar
    A regular visitor

    I’ll have to see this film sometime. All the buzz it got, wow, incredible.

    The fact that Guy Pearce (think you misspelled his name) is the leading actor just makes this movie more intriguing. I’m so impressed by his performance in “L.A. Confidential.”

    BTW, his American accent is perfect. Do you know he was actually born in England and raised in Australia? 🙂

  5. hehe, you catch all my mistakes =p

    I saw L.A. Confidencial a long time ago and for some reason never noticed Guy Pearce. Remember him more from his recent movies like the Count of Monte Cristo and Time Machine. Wasn’t too impressed with those two though.

    I knew he was raised in Australia but didn’t know he was born in England. Thanks for the info! 🙂

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