annie’s 8 today 🙂



Happy Bday Sis :)

今天是我妹生日party﹐8岁… 天哪﹐家裡简直像被洗劫一番﹐好不容易一群叽叽喳喳的小女生们都被拉去白石湖玩了﹐我连音乐都没开﹐享受这难得的清静。


嘻嘻﹐下次要上传我房间的照片﹐绝对会让大家对我有改观哦﹗佈置得像十六岁追星族小姑娘的房间–不过妈妈说我走了她要把我的娃娃都送人﹐而且我妹一定会把我那些precious moments之类的东东破壞到底的… 我可伶的宝贝们… 我走了你们可怎麼办哪…

不玩啦﹐写business plan去﹕|


4 responses to “annie’s 8 today :)”

  1. a regular visitor Avatar
    a regular visitor

    For real? You are gonna upload the pics of your room? Looking forward to them.

    It’s so nice to have a sibling. I’ve always wanted one (especially a brother, who can fight against parents with me, hehe), too bad it will remain a dream for ever.

    BTW, nice Yong Bang song. Love his “Venice Tears” album.

  2. jiajia Avatar

    Hehe, if you had a brother, you’d probably be fighting each other instead =p I want a brother too, but I wanted an older one, so I guess that doesn’t really work out…. =p

  3. Say Happy Birthday to ur sister…I also have one 🙂

  4. jiajia Avatar

    Oh really? hehe, kewl! How old is she?

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