
任性 – 今天拿出吉它, 細心的想幫她找回原來那純真的聲音, 笑指針卻總是往左一點點, 偏右一點點, 賭氣似的不肯亮起那綠燈. 舍不得再讓它在角落靜靜的等候, 看能不能找個辦法運去日本.

Hey Jude – 坐在琴前想到的只有一首歌: F C C7 F Bb F C7 F F C C7 F Bb F C7 F F7 Bb Gm7 C7 F F7 F7

一樣的夏天 – 旅途上聽了很多歌. 最常傳出的卻還是一盤老歌精選和最初的校園民謠. 冒著被打的危險, 我要坦白第一次聽到同桌的你好像是蘇有朋唱的…. ^^”” 不過受朋友的傳染/恐嚇, 我也漸漸開始聽那些流傳以廣的熟悉聲音. 聽身邊朋友們一次一次在歌聲中溫習懷念…. 說多無義, 大家都知道那種感覺.

年輕無極限 – 逛街, 極討厭穿上西裝老了10歲的自己. 這樣穿一年我是不是真的會老十歲?

未完成 – 前幾天和某人說起他的旅行, 說起我的旅行, 說起未開始, 進行中, 和已結束的旅行….

我是我 – 一年多不見的高中同學來看我, 看似靦婰的小弟弟, 即使我再也沒長高他卻還在往上衝, 卻永遠保留記憶中的可愛. 他變了嗎? 我變了嗎?

沒有人的方向 – 一個朋友打電話告訴我現實和principle之間衝突的煩惱, 有點混亂… 我們的位置甚麼時候對換了?

My Story, Your Song

wish 很好 obsession 懂了 once 終於 then 害怕 finally 學會 because 眼神 her 風箏 or 字典 fear 不愛 4z 累贅 ride 逃亡 live 幸福 wonder E-lover me 相信


7 responses to “yanzi”

  1. 看来疯狂迷恋燕姿??????不过我也一样。

  2. We got Champion.

  3. jiajia Avatar


    Really?? Congratulations!! Sorry I didn’t really see you guys play lah… I think I’m too obsessed with basketball right now, or else I’d love to learn how to play soccer too 🙂

  4. Honestly, I don’t understand why everybody is soooooo obsessed with her. She’s got some good songs, but she’s also got tons of crappy ones.

    Sorry if I ticked any die-hard Yanzi fans off. Just my 2 cents.

  5. but the bad news is i broke my finesse in the final match…..

  6. jiajia Avatar

    Y~ Hehe, everyone has different taste lah, I like a lot of her songs, and I like the way she sings. There are very few singers that I follow album by album… Penny, Vickie, Sandy… haha, seems to be an all girl cast 🙂

    OW~ broke your finesse? O_o Don’t get it neh… 不要卖关子啦 =p

  7. Vickie? Doesn’t ring a bell. What’s her Chinese name?

    Sandy is my all-time favorite female singer. Sadly, her new stuff rarely excites me any more. She was WAYYYYYYYYYY better back when she was NOT married to Li Zongsheng and focused more on her Cantonese songs.

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