Finally you got back…
I was back in the US on Aug 21st and then flew to Detroit. Got my new apartment, nice lah~, but noisy!
Miss the SMU’s small campus and the familiar environment……
Everything here is still strange to me!
Take care oh~
Where is your photos?
Hi, upstairs, how are you doing?
Julie, I met a girl on the airplane last night, she is only 18 from Michigan and will be on a Catholic mission trip for a whole year in Texas, there was someone who would pick her up but she didn’t know her, I thought she was timid then. She reminded of you, like a missionary, take care there!
BTW, i like your black suit, most fashionable clothes I have ever seen on u. ^^
me too~~~~~
XH~ glad to hear that u r doing good lah! I`m sure u`ll make a lot of friends in no time 🙂 eto… I thought u were going to virginia?? Hmmm… never mind… email me lah! P.S. just click the “photos” link on the left top corner, promise there’s enough to keep you occupied for hours =p
dP~ hey! I happened to like my own fashion sense, pink tank tops or otherwise =p r u back in Dallas now? enjoy your summer in CA?
conjee~ hehe, I’m glad someone agrees with me! man, I can’t wait to get my own ADSL 🙂
dp, I am doing all right here. Need time to adapt to the new environment.
Who is dp, julie? I have never seen this id.
Sorry tof asking this silly question.
嘿嘿,我家里的电话现在也装好了,就只等公司把modem寄来了!希望大概下下个礼拜就能舒服的再加上网了 🙂
笑寒,dp 是大平啦 :)
你是用dsl吧? 有了网络,日记会不会多起来啊?
肯定啦,而且也会有机会跟大家聊天了 ^_^
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