


生病了,同事幸灾乐祸的笑我,开头还大言不惭地说自己是唯一没染上的老师 +___+ 明明就是他一天到晚在我面前故意咳嗽害我的嘛~~~~ T___T




健忘:昨晚回家的路上告诉自己记得去拿停在公司对面的单车,结果想着明天M就走了和一些七七八八的事就忘了。然后告诉自己记得明天早上要去拿单车,结果今天早上要出门的时候急急忙忙根本没想起。然后骑车到一半突然想起,咦,我的单车不是丢在学校了吗?然后才想起来–哦,原来我忘了昨天下雨,早上是走路去的学校 @_______@ 然后今天晚上也是朋友送我回家的,希望明天不要忘记单车这次是真正丢在车站了^__^”””

Westlife – Flying Without Wings (f/BoA)

Everybody’s looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You’ll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lover’s eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you’ve found that special thing
You’re flying without wings

Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary lives
You’ll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You’ll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You’ve found that special thing
You’re flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem
You’ve got to fight for every dream
Cos who’s to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete

Well, for me it’s waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place

It’s little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it’s like flying without wings
Cos you’re my special thing
I’m flying without wings

And you’re the place my life begins
And you’ll be where it ends

I’m flying without wings
And that’s the joy you bring
I’m flying without wings


11 responses to “生病+升级”

  1. bao zhong ah~
    And take a rest instead of staying up all night. I know you are still young lah, but….. heehee

  2. I prefer their original version. BoA’s performance (including her English) is very disappointing.

  3. 1.突然不习惯,原来佳佳用简体中文写字了

  4. 这样的天气,最容易生病了.


  5. 要注意身体啊。上次你给我留言,最近我一直偷偷看你。你的叶子真漂亮。还有你的照片真多,看了好久呢。

  6.  Avatar

    深有同感并以此自慰 :)

  7. 楼上的无名氏是我 ,原来不用ID也可以发言啊

  8. 多谢大家关心啦,这个周末用完一整盒纸巾,快好了吧,要不然我的鼻子要比rudolph还红了=p

    cecilia~ 欢迎欢迎:) 新叶面很漂亮哦~

    elsa~ 我一般是一篇简体一篇繁体的呀,更懒的时候就干脆写英文 ^_^ 而且我一般不上网游戏的,因为我不服输,一玩就浪费好几个小时:)

    chara~ 是啊,我觉得没必要逼不想留名字的人把联络方式写下来 ^_^

  9. 东西已经寄出,注意查收?!

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