Can’t type in Chinese right now, don’t know Taiwanese Zhuyin keyboard… @_@
I didn’t expect myself to be writing so soon, but Fate sure has a black sense of humor…
Nagoya was great, I really enjoyed it. Especially an afternoon at the park playing basketball in a skirt with two adorable high school kids. More on that later.
Taipei… It’s all about expectations. The city itself? No complaints except for the dust and unfriendly people. I guess I got used to Japan’s politeness in the few months I’ve lived there.
I had a wonderful day. Museum was awesome, lights were beautiful, food’s been great so far, even the weather has been cooperative for once. The only thing missing? FRIENDS. For some reason I can’t reach them. What’s the point of coming to Taiwan if I can’t see them?
I’m so sad. If I have to spend my birthday, Christmas Eve, AND New Year’s alone, this makes for a horrible horrible year.
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