


哇,一不小心已經初二了, 還是先給大家拜年啦! ^_^ 總覺得猴子們看起來都很快樂的, 所以從來不介意被叫猴子猴子的(ahem…. 某人….). 希望大家猴年都像蹦蹦跳跳的猴子一樣有精神~ 有點猴頭不對馬嘴的說…. -____-”

大年三十晚上下起了大雪, 因為自己笨笨很鬱悶的一個人在家度過. 第二天早上地上突然堆起了幾十厘米的雪, 出門的時候邊為她的美而感嘆邊想這輩子絕對不能在北方生活. 不過一場突然的雪, 學生也都樂得找不來上學的藉口, 一天居然只上了兩節課 🙂

等明天學會走路不摔跤了再看看拿不拿得出相機 ^__^

New Year’s Resolution: 呵呵, 離電腦遠一點 =p 雖然我這種人是不可能戒網的, 不過最近找到更好玩的東西, 所以這篇日記 = 拜年 + 拜拜~ ^___- 過一陣子再見啦~

张韶涵 – Journey

It’s a long long journey
Till I know whera I’m supposed to be
It’s a long long journey
And I don’t know if I can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes
I am lost and know that I must hide
It’s a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you

Many days I’ve spent
Drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what’s my purpose
Wondering how to make me strong

I know I will falter I know I will cry
I know you’ll be standing by my side
It’s a long long journey
And I need to be close to you

Sometimes it feels no one understands
I don’t even know why
I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can’t see my soul
Will you break down these walls and pull me through?

Cause It’s a long long journey
Till I feel that I am worth the price
You paid for me on calvary
Beneath those stormy skies

When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feel like everything is out to make me lose control
Cause It’s a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you.


7 responses to “拜…….”

  1. Happy Chinese New Year! (It’s still the New Year’s Day over here, hehe.)

  2. 哈哈,佳佳找到了新乐子了,那玩的开心些哦~

  3. 呵呵,?某人?来祝jiajia玩好啦!当然是带越多漂亮的PP回来最好!

  4. 嘿嘿,给佳佳拜个晚年了~~~~~~


  5. 猴年快乐!!!

  6. 请帮忙翻译一下journey这首歌,谢谢!!!

  7. please, who can help me translate the “jourey”?

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