Everything around me is slowly deteriorating. 我身边的一切都在慢慢的恶化.
恶化是我查字典找出来的. 但是感觉不一样.
翻译是很深奥的学问, 语言是很神奇的东西. 从来都是别人用什么语言来和我讲话我就用什么语言思考(当然仅限于我知道的2.2语言), 可是最近发现我脑子里面的语言细胞也开始deteriorate, 讲英文的时候脑袋里会清清楚楚的出现汉字, 写中文的时候会念某英文单词一百遍还想不起来中文是什么. 说不出来的话只好作罢.
The wind is blowing so hard that despite the tightly locked balcony door I can see my curtains moving. Only slightly, reminds me of a warm spring afternoon when a lovely breeze tantalizes one so. Yet this is not such an afternoon. Spring came to say hello but it seems like winter has decided to stay longer.
This is an old apartment. Many before me were shoved in this little box, spent their 365~ days, then onward. Everyone leaves some pieces behind, many of them not in such good condition — bookcase with no backbone, rug that was once passionately kissed by an iron, and for some, perhaps a few broken hearts and dreams. So I was told. So I have discovered.
So when the wind blows like so, I see the curtains move and think of warm spring afternoons. Or hot summer afternoons. Or cool autumn afternoons. Anything but cold winter afternoons. Stories, they always start with “A long long time ago” and end with “happily ever after.” The past, the future, perhaps they are a little fuzzy, that’s what makes them beautiful. 朦胧美。
So when the wind blows like so, I sometimes wonder whether the old windows will hold up. I imagined a scene from an movie when a hero crashes into an office buidling from a helicopter, and the glass panes suddenly turn into thousands of tiny little crystals, lethal, beautiful.
I like to break things, and I’ve broken a number and a range. I just don’t like the clean up afterwards.
佳佳同学是个幸福的女孩子,said she he said.
看完了Talk to Her. I never realized Spanish was such a beautiful language.
My keyboard is broken. Or on its way to be broken. G doesn’t like to show up most of the time. I’m glad it’s only G and not RSTLNE.
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