The Village Voice: Features: The Essay: Blogging Off by Whitney Pastorek
Found this article through, what else, namtsao’s blog. While the first 4 points didn’t impress me much, I was, shall I say, touched? By point #5.
Fortunately, most of the friends around me (like, those who are at least in the same state/province/country as me) are not bloggers. Or if they were, they have kept that fact from me for good reasons. I think if I got to choose again, I would like to make my website an anonymous one. So while I do not suffer from blog-paranoia, I have found quite a few blog-related symptomes that are slowly creeping up on me.
1. I think I’ve begun to talk to myself in public.
2. I’ve become paranoid of pissing people off on my blog.
3. I hate how people read my blog and ask me in person how I feel.
4. I hate how people assume they know me by my writing.
5. I actually care about comment count.
6. I spend hours peeking into other people’s lives while my own passes by.
7. I know more about people I’ve never met than people who give me real hugs.
8. People who don’t know me know more about me than people who know me.
9. I don’t even know who you are.
Current Listening: Linkin Park – 1stp Klosr
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