Business Week



My favorite reading material is now officially Business Week. I’m considering getting a subscription, but I already have one to Forbes — only because it was one of the few financial mag choices I had when getting my 5 subscriptions for $30 deal at How the heck would I have time to read five magazines, I don’t know.

I was forced to subscribe to Fortune during my senior year in college, and I threw away the last couple of issues still fresh with the plastic wrapping around them. (Hmm… Now that I think about it maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was taking 7 classes in the business school holding two jobs an internship and driving myself crazy with finding something to do after graduation.) So I never really found financial magazines very interesting or helpful while I was studying business.

But Business Week — this stuff I actually read! The stories are quite concise and informative, and most importantly they are in plain English. How innovative. OK, I guess that just tells ya how good my business vocab is at this point. I really like the Asian Section. Er… in fact, I read little beyond the Asian/Global biz section. ^_^” Hey, at least one of my interests has proven long lasting. Whether that interest will lead me anywhere is another question all together.

Oh yeah, just finished my SOP (Statement of Purpose) for UTD (University of Texas at Dallas). It was quite fun to come up with a long term career goal while typing up that letter. Then I started looking at McCombs and I was like… Man, #1 program in the nation… and really not that expensive to go to… Then again, I looked at their course requirements and they don’t really offer a lot of international perspective. I guess accounting isn’t really an international field per se considering every nation has its own standards. We’ll see what I can make of this.

Five days until GMAT! I’m so excited that I can finally get this whole thing over with. Then I can concentrate on studying for my Japanese exam in 2 months. Only 2 months!! Already registered and even got my flight to Chicago booked. Yea! I get to see Gina again!

Hmm… back to work.


5 responses to “Business Week”

  1. I find Fortunes, and Forbes to be heavily in the pocket of its advertisers, and pushing the political agenda of one Steve Forbes Jr. Businessweek >>>>>>> Forbes and Fortune. Well, tell the truth, I mostly can’t stand them because they’re soooooo pro-Microsoft. It’s the closest thing to the WSJ in magazine form. Of course, it has its own political agenda, but at least it’s one that’s pro-business oriented. There’s also an edition of BusinessWeek that’s Asia-specific if you want to take a look at that. I really really really recommend getting in to the McCombs program if you can. Not only is it rated #1 by the WSJ, it pretty much guarantees you a job at D&T in Dallas, Houston, or wherever else you might choose to go (they’ve got a pretty strong international reach, including in China). I still have a copy of a statement of purpose letter I wrote that worked to get someone into McCombs with, well, not the highest GMAT score in the world if you want to take a gander ^^

  2. well, that #1 thing is really really tempting, I’m such a sucker for things like that 😛 but that would mean that I wouldn’t start school until next fall, that is IF I get in. Of course I wouldn’t know whether I got in until April, which kinda messes my whole agenda considering I would obviously not be starting UTD. See my point? >_< Hmm… Maybe I’ll just go get a third BA in accounting while I’m at it… I just want to go to school!!!! <— OK, that last statement would really scare some people.

  3. Hmm. . . maybe you ought to look into the transferability of classes from the UTD grad program to the UT PPA?

  4. already did, graduate work doesn’t transfer, period 🙁

    although if i really wanted to, i guess i don’t mind taking the classes over again ang get really good grades 🙂 especially since i wasn’t an undergrad accounting major.

  5. I had tried out a lot of different Business Magazine. my favorite are: FastCompany, Business 2.0 Economist and Havard Business Review.

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