xanga hopping



Have you ever randomly surfed onto a site and find the people in the photos strangely familiar and couldn’t help but investigate and finally hit up on convincing evidence that it’s exactly who you thought it was only looking much better/worse than the last time you saw them?

Boy, don’t you love those xanga links?

So I was reading journals today on xanga and livejournal, and accidentally clicked on one of the links somewhere and it took me to this girl’s site. The name matches, state doesn’t, and the looks vaguely familiar. So I was curious and started clicking all the links on that site and low and behold, I find a whole group of people I used to know and talk to.

It’s actually kinda funnie cuz some people never change their internet alias from AIM to MSN to email to Xanga. So know one and know all. Unlike me, who changes web site URLs more often than that. I can actually recognize the people by their high school screen names. You know, back in the day when everyone’s screen name contained something like baBeE or AzN or SwT or gRL, like SwTAzNbaBeEgRL96 or something close to it.

Anyway, stop with the reminiscing, I’m just going to spend the rest of my time at work checking up on old friends’ lives. And it’s so funnie how you can link from one site to another and realize you don’t know this person but then recognize all the links on his/her site because apparently he/she knows all your friends except for you.

Man, this reminds me of back in the days when there was this site called Asian Avenue… Does this date me? @_@ OK, being a dork, I just went there and found out I can still sign in. Apparently one thing I don’t change is my password. Anyway, this just brings back embarrassing old memories when I put up a website with my favorite quotes on love and tried to tYpE Lyk dIs iN PpL’s “boooKiEs” N TrY 2 GeT As MaNY FREWnDz aS Me CaN.

Yeah, that was difficult.

It’s a small world. Especially if you are Asian and Texan. (Oh wait, did I just admit I’m Texan? @_@)


2 responses to “xanga hopping”

  1. Haha, I hate the stypid Azn style with a passion. ThEy ThInK iT iS cOoL? No way.

  2. i think it’s stupid, but i don’t really hate it or anything. i mean, it’s their way of trying to express their uniqueness i guess.

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