Still Chicago… in other words, go look at my pretty pictures ^_^
Ok, this freaking texas-holdem-something.something is just driving me up the walls. I have to de-spam my blog everyday just to rid myself of their evil. Honestly, I like the game, granted I suck at it, it’s still fun to play once in a while (as long as $$$ are not involved considering how often I lose). Maybe I can come up with a way to get rid of anything that relates to Texas holdem. But then they’ll just come up with more ways to spell the damn thing. Argh. And for the record, I do not work for a spamming company 😛
So yeah, life after my Japanese Language Proficiency Test has just been peachy. Go home, turn on my webcam and MSN, start chatting with my favorite doggie, eat dinner, continue my chatting while playing online games, then go to sleep. Man, I just can’t live right without a test or two in my life. My Fortune and Entrepreneur issues are just stacked up against the wall in mint condition, which really makes regret not just subscribing to Cosmopolitan or FHM or something. Honestly, I think I prefer FHM to Cosmopolitan. They got lots kewl articles for tech gadgets & stuff. I think every girl should read a men’s magazine once in a while, just so they don’t cut into a conversation thinking they are saying something brilliant and getting blank “whatever” stares from BF & Co. Not that I’ve had any experience. And I digress.
Anyway, trying to find the perfect Christmas gift and it’s oh so hard. I don’t know what people are buying for me (haha, I assume that I have friends who’ll buy me gifts, we’ll see if that proves the case), but honestly, I don’t need anything. I’ve pretty much spoiled myself by buying everything I need/want. Except for a $1800 ticket to Japan during Christmas vacation. That’s the problem with Christmas presents! Most people already have what they need and what they want is usually something really expensive that I just don’t want to pay for 😛 Selfish that may sound, but Christmas isn’t a birthday, it’s the time of year when everyone expects to get something and well, only the very special people get exactly what they want (from me at least, I’m sure they have their own special people to buy them their perfect gifts). So far I’ve only gotten gifts for my neighbors, a couple for my parents (with more in mind), one for Chiko that’s still somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, an idea for my sister and cousin, and nothing, not even an idea of what to get for him. So I just decided to apologize really early and say, look, your Christmas present is never gonna get there on time, but you’ll still love me won’t you? ^_^
The other thing is, I went to the mall the other day during lunch and wanted to buy a quick present for my friend that I was visiting in Chicago, and ended up going to Barnes and Nobles across the street instead because I couldn’t find a parking space. How crazy is that?? It was 1 o’clock on a Friday afternoon. Don’t you have to work, people?!?! I should be special and be the only person who shops during lunch 😛 I soooo dread going street shopping right now. I think I’m going to do the rest of my shopping online. Ebay and Amazon, here I come.
Errr… to the people who’ll probably not even see a present from me, I’m sorry. I promise to remember your birthday. And you know what? It’ll probably be better than the half-a** thing you are gonna get from me if I do put you on my Christmas list. ^^””
Hmmmm… I think there’s a reason I never write in English anymore. Oh my god, do I not like, totally sound like a high school airhead when I write in English? Writing in English takes no thought as is definitely not the case when it comes to Chinese. Hmm… wait, I think I see some reasoning here. Oops, it’s gone. 😛 I can’t believe you’ve read this far. Congratulations, your boredom level is almost on par with mine. ^_^v
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