10 things… etc.



TEN Random Things About Me

10. For some odd reason I always wanted to be mother of twins.
09. I don’t drink anything but water and tea. And I drink about 5 cups of tea per day.
08. I once ate a fried cricket thinking it was chocolate covered peanut.
07. Never ask me for someone’s number if I don’t have my cellphone with me. Because I don’t remember anyone’s, and sometimes not even my own.
06. My childhood dream was to be a famous singer.
05. I can’t play any video games. Except DDR. I think my feet move better than my fingers.
04. I’ve dislocated my shoulders 7 times. Basketball 2x, swimming 3x, skating 2x. And that’s both shoulders, I tell ya.
03. I owned the entire set of Saint Seiya first season toys. Then my mom made me give them away. I think people are buying them on ebay for a lot of $$ right now.
02. When I was 4, I stuck a piece of plastic candy wrapper in my nose and it stayed there unnoticed for an entire year.
01. The first time I smoked was when I was 9… my uncle handed me a cigarette to light firecrackers and it was almost out, and I was the only one brave enough to take a puff. Must say it has turned me away from smoking ever since ^_^

NINE Places I Want To Visit

09. Barcelona
08. Paris
07. Tibet
06. Venice
05. Egypt
04. Thailand
03. St. Petersburg
02. Antarctica
01. Florence

EIGHT Things I Wanna Do Before I Die

08. Sky-diving.
07. Ph.D.
06. Learn Russian.
05. Learn how to dance.
04. Write a book.
03. Learn how to cook. Well.
02. Watch my kids grow up.
01. Be remembered.

SEVEN Ways To Win My Heart

07. Be an awesome basketball player 😛
06. Accept me for who I am, and not try to change me.
05. Care not only for me but for the people around you.
04. Let me believe in you and what you want to achieve.
03. Believe in me and what I want to achieve.
02. Let me trust you.
01. Trust me.

SIX Things I Believe In

06. Me
05. Philanthropy
04. Fate
03. People
02. Love
01. God

FIVE Things I’m Afraid Of

05. Snakes
04. Bad people
03. Failure
02. Being alone
01. Hurting people I love

FOUR Of My Favorite Items in My Bedroom

04. Laptop
03. Music boxes from my favorite 2 people
02. Snoopy doll
01. Bed (I would have said iPod if it wasn’t broken >_<) THREE Things I Do Everyday

03. Drink at least 1 bottle of water.
02. Apologize for being careless.
01. Be thankful for what I have.

TWO Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now

02. Go bankrupt.
01. Be rude to people.

ONE Person I Want To See Right Now

01. *^_^*


7 responses to “10 things… etc.”

  1. I love this , I love this so much…
    especially, #8 and #2 in random things. soooo cute. I love every item you listed, outstanding classic

  2. haha, u should copy & use it too! I kinda stole it from a friend 😛

  3. Kewl. Here goes my version of NINE Places I Want To Visit:

    Abbey Road Studios 🙂
    Mt. Everest
    New York
    Great Canyon

  4.  Avatar

    Hmm. . . didn’t we mention skydiving in a conversation at some point? I’m all for drop to start off the new year? 😉

  5. 呵呵~有意思~


  6. I would like to go to #7 & #1 beside the cities of Japan 😛

  7. 可爱的佳佳^_^圣诞快乐

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