


I think I’m going to DIE. I just dyed my hair black, and it’s supposed to be a soft, natural black but it turned out to be that nasty blue black that makes your hair look dead. T______________T

I think it’s ponytail all the way this summer for me… I’m SUCH a retard! I guess I could get it out with bleach, but the whole point of dying my hair black is so I can stop torturing it with hair coloring 🙁

I got a B in that stupid accounting class as I thought. I think I’ll just work to maintain a 3.75 the rest of the way now too >____< My present shopping is still in stagnation stage. I mean, I plan to go shopping in China. What the heck do I buy here that they don't have for cheaper there? @_@ I'm soooo frustrated. I think I'll go lament over my blue hair more now. :(((((( jem~還是決定去香港買相機哦, 請問能不能指點一下你上次告訴我的那幾個店的具體為止呢? 感激不禁~~~ ^_^


4 responses to “Dying”

  1. 相機店的資料﹐我會email給你的。何時起程啊﹖


  2. Diane Avatar

    What, no entertaining photo? 😛
    So you’re staying on the CPA path?
    Guess what, I finally will be joining the office workforce, all licensed and whatnot starting May 23!

  3. jiajia Avatar

    diane~congrats! So you are gonna be a stock broker for real now? @_@ wow… ^_^

  4. You are the best!

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