Book reviews

The two books I’ve read recently are perhaps two of the most hyped up books in recent times. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and The Da Vinci Code. I hate it when people get so worked about books, which really takes out from the enjoyment I get when I actually get to sit down and read them. (While I’m complaining, same goes for movies.)

Nevertheless these were two very enjoyable reads. I borrowed HP6 from a friend the day after it came out, and rushed to finish it in one day, one sitting before anyone spoiled the surprises for me. I bought The Da Vinci Code while building my Harry Potter collection by joining Double Day Book Club. The read took a little more time, but still, just two days, and before I had a chance to read any online reviews.

After reading Harry Potter, I was still in a sort of disbelief mode due to the plot. It wasn’t an outrageous story, and some might say totally reasonable, but I just didn’t want to believe it, just as I couldn’t believe Sirius had died in the prior one. Yet I must say, it is no longer a story for children, as everyone was so bluntly exposed to the cruel world.

On the other hand, The Da Vinci Code was equally disconcerting, in less the plot (which, honestly, was less than intriguing for a mystery) but the wild theories. What was great about it was the history and mystery in the history and the challenges of the puzzles that were related to the history. I could see how many people were just like me when I googled online for The Last Supper and the first image that came up was a close up of the person next to Jesus. Who Da Vinci really intended to paint, I dare not guess. But just the author’s ability to put all these seemingly random objects and stories together and create a plausible story, was quite amazing to me. Although I must say, the characters were horribly lacking in depth, and the human story, one not related to history, was not so interesting.

Still, two books reading. Hey, at least you’d know what everyone else is so worked up about 🙂


5 responses to “Book reviews”

  1. I’m skipping the fourth paragraph, as I plan to read the book NOW. 🙂

    PS. My dad really likes your site, and he’s decided to set up a blog too. Thought you’d like to know. ^_^

  2. Hey I just read HP6 too, I’m very shocked and very sad. Sirius’ death was different for me, it was so poetic, he fell behind the curtain and he didn’t suffer at all. Then again I guess I am not as attached to Sirius as I am to…the great one…..*sigh*

    I like things on the happy merry side, I’m still a kid at heart. I’m glad to see I was right about the romance in the HP series, and I’m glad to see innocent friendship can exist b/w the opposite sex. Oh I can’t wait for the final book to come out.

    The Da Vinci Code is some where on my book list too, are you suggesting that I not read it? I’m currently working on finishing up “The selfish gene”, it’s rather interesting too. Can I borrow your Da Vinci Code ?

  3. Y~hehe, as always, you only leave comments when I write in English. What’s up with that?? Haha, let me see your dad’s blog after he sets it up! It’s kinda scary to see “adults” read my blog tho 😛

    Janey~of course you can borrow my book! I do recommend it because after the symbolism and puzzles get added in, it’s quite intriguing. OMG I haven’t seen you in sooooooo long! hehe, let’s find a time to meet so I can give it to you 🙂

  4. 我早早看了达芬奇密码中文版

  5. 兩天就看完The Da Vinci Code囉﹖現在年輕人consume書本的速度也挺快的。(鄰居的女孩只有13歲﹐不吃不眠地花一天看完HP6。)希望快槍手佳佳不會這樣啃書﹐會消化不良的。哈哈哈﹗:-)

    在下看小說是斷斷續續的看。龜速的。The Da Vinci Code一書﹐去年(九月)在回港的飛機上看了一點。擱下。然後今年三月﹐再看了一點﹐也是在回港的機上。省下來的三份之一﹐我有信心在十月回港的時候讀畢。(書我可是full price買下的﹐這樣子看才能值回票價啦。^_^)

    Plot不錯﹐雖然有點似曾相識。箇中的heresies和conspiracy theory我不相信的。其實是不敢相信吧。


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