Total Leadership – Goals

Total Leadership by Stewart D. Friedman is a book that aims to teach people who see themselves as successful in certain aspects of their lives but not in others.  The author defines it as a “structured method that produces measurable change.”  Having been sent to a number of leadership conferences, I found the most effective training sessions are the ones where the speaker throws out difficult and meaningful questions and forces the audience to answer out loud.  This book takes the same approach, where the reader must work through certain exercises and record their answers.  I decided to write mine here, perhaps as contrast to the rest of my less productive thoughts 🙂

Your Goals for the Total Leadership Program
In a paragraph or two, describe what led you to read this book and what you hope to get out of it.

I received this book as a present, so I already felt obligated to read it 😛  I’ve always struggled with the idea of being a leader and have been, for most of my life, content with being a follower.  Unfortunately I also have this ambitious and competitive side that has become more apparent in the work world.  I work for a company where the structure is best defined as “up or out.”  I already know I can do my work well, but to succeed, I need to learn how to lead well.

Of course this book is not only about being successful at work.  I’ve never felt that work should dominate my life, but there was a period where work did take over and I was extremely unhappy.  Finding the right balance that would give you success at work and satisfaction in other aspects of life is difficult, and it would be wonderful to have some guidance.

These “other aspects of life” cover a rather large number of things, family, faith, marriage, friends, hobbies, etc.  In recent years I’ve seen enough happen around me where I find myself confused as to what should be considered important.  The older we get, the less time and energy we have to share with the people around us, and also save a little for ourselves.  How do I spend my time wisely to keep everyone happy?  To keep myself happy?  And do I even want to keep all these people happy?

Life changes pretty fast, so I think there should be some principle or foundation we live by, that can guide us in face of change.  We can’t have everything, but I’d like to figure out just exactly what I can’t live without.


5 responses to “Total Leadership – Goals”

  1. Do you want to be the one who wears the pants in a relationship? Or you feel like if you are the more aggressive and decisive one your personal life may be at a better state? It’s just I never thought this book would change me other than at the work place.

  2. No, I’m perfectly happy wearing my miniskirt in a relationship 😛 I don’t think my goal is to change per se, but more to figure out what’s important to me. In terms of change, I think it’s more like, when I figure out what I really want in life, I can adjust my priorities so they are better aligned to my needs.

  3. But your priority may not necessarily fit with other people’s priority. Leaders basically tells other people what to do. The good ones makes other people feel like what they are doing is important. The bad ones make you feel like that piece of dirt stuck in their shoes. Both can achieve the same results but how they got there is very different. Maybe think about how to be a “good leader” in life?

  4. boomboom Avatar

    I think that you will find that:
    – leadership does not have to involve “other people” when you talk about followers and especially the competitive aspects of work. This is a mentality that work and the ‘rest of life’ is a zero-sum game. that where one gives, the other one takes. More important is your own leadership and authenticity in your own life
    – more important than time is the mental energy you put forth into thinking about something

  5. I think leaders don’t necessarily tell others what to do, instead they inspire others to achieve what is important to them. To be able to lead others, you must be able to “lead” yourself, as in, inspire yourself and achieving what’s most important to you.

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