My Core Values

On one page, list the values (between 5 and 9 is ideal) that are most important to you. For each one, explain why it’s important to you in one or two sentences.

These are the things that I hope will come to mind when people think of me. If they don’t think so now, then hopefully by the time they speak at my funeral 😛

Honesty – First and foremost, I want to be a trustworthy friend, coworker, sister, daughter… I know sometimes I come across as being too blunt, but I’d rather by blunt than fake.

Curiosity – Curiosity and learning go hand in hand I think. I really like to learn stuff, knowledge makes me happy 🙂

Adventure – I’ve met people in Texas who’ve never left the state. What?! Why not?! Chinese people say, 讀萬卷書,行萬里路 (read 10,000 books and walk 10,000 miles), which I completely believe everyone should do (ok, maybe only 1,000 books).

Challenge – Life is boring without challenges. I don’t think people grow if they don’t continue to challenge themselves with new and harder things all the time.

Change – Same as above, life is boring if it’s just the same thing over and over again! I don’t mean move to a different city every year, but small changes keeps life interesting!

Fun – You can be the richest or smartest person in the world, but if you are no fun, I still don’t want to hang out with you 😛

Dependability – I want to be someone people can count on. From small things like being somewhere on time to big things like bailing them out of jail.

Community – “Be the change you want to see in the world.” You can criticize the world all you want, but if you are not doing anything to change even the community around you, don’t talk about making the world a better place.


2 responses to “My Core Values”

  1. How do you feel if someone is not being honest with you? What happens when someone fail to bail you out or if you got stood up by someone?
    With the amount of information we have, it is very hard to be good at everything? Benjamin Franklin was like a living encyclopedia during his days but I am not sure how he would fare in today’s worlds. Do you ever get the feeling that you know a lot but can’t really call yourself expert at anything?

  2. I feel very hurt. Hmm, I guess personally there are so very few things worth lying about. If I have to lie to make something work, is it really worth it? If I did something wrong, I would feel worse if I lied to cover it up and would always be afraid that someone will find out. So the best thing to do is not to lie, and not to do anything that I would need to lie about.

    I think after people stand you up a few times, you understand your importance in their lives and you have to decide whether that’s what you want. Sometimes you might be a little bit hurt, but just as I don’t have the time to spend with everyone who might want to spend time with me. You have to find the people who place the same importance on their relationship with you I guess.

    I already know I can’t be good at everything I want to be good at! As I grow older, I think I’ve become more humble as to my abilities. More confident, yet humble. I’m not as bad at certain things as I thought, nor am I as good at certain things that I thought I was good at. So I’m content to just work on the few things I really enjoy. I may never become a great photographer, or singer, or writer, or M&A expert, but I think I’ll be decent. And I’ll be happy, and I’ll always strive to become better. In the process of doing so, life passes me by and I shall never find it boring or depressing. Hopefully 🙂

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