Squad Goals


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15138528_10101359050074739_4377724828317703392_oThis morning at work:
– Forgot my badge, go to work anyway
– Realized that I locked my computer in drawer and key is attached to badge
– IT dad was not here yet so I took a loaner and “broke” into it
– Got yelled at IT dad for locking computer in drawer
– Received apology from IT dad 5 minutes later because he forgot his computer at home
– One coworker offered to break into my drawer if I can get him a locksmith kit (to which I sarcastically answered “yes of course I carry one in my bag”)
– Another coworker got a couple of bobby pins to try to break into my drawer
– A third coworker produced a locksmith kit from his bag because he actually does carry one with him all time
– Boss walks in literally a minute after the dust settles

I  my team.


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