Swayambhu Temple stood atop a hill in Kathmandu Valley overlooking the city. According to legends, the valley had been filled with water once upon a time, until a lotus flower appeared in the middle of the lake, which gave the temple its Sanskrit name — self created.
The woman stood next to one of the many small structures where offerings were placed. We walked around the complex and passed her a few times. She remained in the same position, back straight, eyes closed, hands together. She had eyeliner on, with a bright teal colored eyeshadow, and both were a bit smudged. Her lips were moving, almost in a quiver, possibly saying a prayer.
I wonder what is going on in her life. Whether she had been crying over her circumstances, and how many gods she had prayed to. I wonder if she will leave with some sense of peace, and whether her prayers would be answered.
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