207 | In Transit :: Mandalay, Myanmar, 2014

I signed up for a food tour in Mandalay and the mode of transportation was this lovely tricycle. The driver(?) was a quiet man dressed in his traditional garbs with a cute little straw hat. Every time we stopped, he brought out a newspaper, sat down on the passenger side of his tricycle, and read while smoking a cigarette. When we are done, he put out the cigarette and dusted off the imaginary dust on the seat for me before we headed off to the next stop.

After a stop at the tea leaf salad place, I asked the nice man (through some translation) whether he would let me ride his tricycle. He was surprised, but was ready to get off so I can ride. I gestured for him to stay, and took his tricycle for a spin with him as my passenger. He happily obliged, and even offered me his hat! I did not get very far, since this was actually quite difficult work. But hopefully it was a nice interlude in his day 🙂


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