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From any change, even the most difficult and incomprehensible, something good will come. every change i have been through, including the really hard ones, have added something to my life.  This good thing hasn’t always occurred when i wanted it to, or in the way i could have imagined, but it has always happened.  From a loss, there is always something to be found.  One of my favorite sayings is ‘you cannot see around corners.’ you just have to keep moving forward, trusting that there’s something good around the bend.  There is great power in not always knowing why things happen the way they do but in trusting that they’re happening exactly as they should and that something positive will reveal itself.






Speaking of dreams and ambitions, I had a conversation with friends over crawfish one night.  As I devoured the lifeless body of the tiny crustaceans one after another, I let out a sigh and asked, what’s the meaning of life for crawfish?  In fact, what’s the meaning of life for most of the lifeforms on earth?  They live only to procreate and die, it’s so simple.  Only humans bring it on themselves to search for something more.

My friend laughed and asked, and what have you found for yourself?  I paused and said,  I don’t know.  Maybe that’s why I’m unhappy.  Our other friend then said, that’s my goal in life — to be happy, no matter what situation I’m in.  But happiness is relative.  If you don’t experience pain and suffering and anger and fear, then you have no basis to define true happiness.  And is it really good to always be happy with what you have?  Does it not hinder you from setting higher goals for yourself and find satisfaction in the achievement of those goals?  In a society where most people keep pushing forward, standing still is the same as moving backwards.  Maybe the goal is to try and find satisfaction in the achievement of even the smallest goals, but keep challenging myself with new ones.

And that’s how I shall live my life, for now, until I have a new epiphany and redefine the world as people often do.  Because, like the quote says, there is great power in not always knowing why things happen the way they do, but in trusting that they are happening exactly as they should and that something positive will reveal itself.


3 responses to “瞎折騰”

  1. 星光维真 Avatar


  2. 星光维真 Avatar


  3. This entry is pretty amazing =)

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