


“Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?”
– John Keats

Great minds East and West all agree, this world is one of suffering and unfairness. We dry our tears hoping that tomorrow will be a brighter day, and if not, then the day after that. And when there is no hope left in this life, we put our faith in the life after, where the power of imagination allows us to create a world in which pain no longer exists and evil will not triumph with impunity.

Can you really imagine a world without pain? Without suffering? Where people live in perfect harmony and happiness? I cannot, because I am human. Humans are made to be discontent, to thirst for something more, and spend their lifetimes becoming something better. If not for himself, then for others. And with that thirst comes suffering, when we can never seem to achieve that elusive goal that makes us whole.

But I do think that’s a wonderful trait us humans have. For life would be so boring if everyone is happy with exactly what they have. Not wanting to know more, not wanting to experience more, not wanting to be more. Perhaps one day I will tire of this search, and just want to stop and rest. I doubt, however, that day will come any time soon.




電腦跟Vista差不多年齡。聽說Windows 7好用許多,便準備趁感恩節假期裝一臺新電腦。熱心的朋友幫我挑選了最適合的配置。我不懂這些,問了許多傻傻的問題。比如說,mobo是什么,又,為什么不用graphics和video card? 我要看電影怎么辦?也難得兩個engineer不嫌麻煩的替我一一解答。算起來其實去買一臺電腦省時省力,以我的程度也察覺不出好壞。只是因為好奇,又或者,獅子座的好勝,一定要自己嘗試。

昨天回家的路上不小心走錯出口,才看見City Hall外頭已經搭起了漂亮的圣誕燈。今天第一天按時下班,高速公路上塞車塞得厲害,卻觀賞到夕陽下一群群候鳥編織出美麗的舞蹈。雖然下一秒我又將為逝去的和未曾得到的煩惱,這一刻,這些若不寫下來就會被忘記的瞬間,是我小小的滿足。




4 responses to “滿足”

  1. 谢谢嘉嘉,一直喜欢你的文字,也谢谢你的分享,丰富了我的ipod. O(∩_∩)O~

  2. @椰子

  3. I like the song you posted!!! it’s soo good!!! 😀

  4. @Hanh
    Glad you like it Hanza!

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