Being Nice

I was at a leadership conference today.  I find it somewhat funny that people in a professional services firm such as mine still have that high school mentality where you don’t want to appear excited or interested when you go to development events because it may seem “uncool.”  Well, I have to admit that I still often acted that way, but I actually do enjoy the experience — everything from meeting different people, listening to the speakers (ok, some of the speakers), and just keeping myself on my toes about how to be a leader in my career and life.  So even though I had to get up at 7AM on a Saturday morning after a late night, I was happy and smiling and only found myself dozing off during one panel session (immediately after lunch).

I may or may not write about my takeaways from the conference.  Right now, I really only want to jot down the nice things people did for me today.

1. After one session, the senior executive who was sitting at my table came to me to give me her email and to say “you will do just fine.”  Generic as the comment may be, it gave me a confidence boost.
2. During the networking event, a girl came up to me and said “I read your story (my company’s diversity ad) in the  program and just wanted to tell you how inspiring it was, and to let you know that so many of us share the same experience and feel the same way.”
3. She also said I’m much prettier in person 😛
4. The mentor at my table gave me his appreciation gift —  a nice bottle of wine — because I answered a question.
5. I was zoning on the way home and missed my house, so my cab driver  turned off the meter, did a U-turn, and dropped me off anyway.

I just got home and immediately sat down in front of the computer to write this, because I don’t want to forget this wonderful feeling.  I am always humbled and amazed when people, especially strangers, do nice things for me, because they really don’t need to and I may never see them again.  In a world filled with suspicion and deceit, it’s hard to be nice because you never know whether you might get taken advantage of.  But sometimes, maybe just wearing a smile on your face will encourage people to do something nice for you in return.


3 responses to “Being Nice”

  1. ” wearing a smile on your face will encourage people to do something nice for you in return.” Learn from it!!

  2. Most def! =) I hear ya!! Usually orchestrated from the Good Man Upstairs and serendipity. They make my day!

  3. 3. She also said I’m much prettier in person. AH~ HA=)

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