NYC pix & other things



Remember that trip I took to New York a while ago? Yeah, I finally got the pictures uploaded from there… Thanks for sending the rest of the pix Kenny ^^

>>> click me! <<<

I watched The Seventh Seal and Lolita last night. I think I need another viewing (or maybe many other viewings) of Seventh Seal to get to the deep meanings the director wanted to convey to his audience. I also realized how poor I am in the knowledge of the Bible, in that I really could not get many of the bibilical references in the movie until I turned on the commentary. But of what little that I understood, it was still such a powerful film, in the story, the characters, the dialogue, the soundtrack, the picture… It’s really not something I can put into words, but I would recommend the experience to anyone. Yes, the experience of the movie, because of how it draws you into the story, into the characters and their lives and their questions. Ahh! Once again I am chained by my inability to communicate through words.

As for Lolita, I think I was surprised at how it was erotic in such a teasing way. I know the film has an earlier version some time ago, and I wonder if the development of the storyline was similar. I thought the plot developed rather well until the end… The grotesqueness of the ending contrasts so sharply to the beauty of the beginning, and I really thought the beginning was very beautiful. And he had such a wonderful voice to make the story come together… Despite the subject matter, I still liked the movie.

Oh yeah, I forgot to complain about my 21 hours of classes! This is what I’m taking this semester:

– international finance
– investment & portfolio management
– advanced financial management
– money & capital market
– intermediate accounting
– entrepreneurship
– database design & management

Woohoo! I will graduate in May and will not have to look back! Well, they will become useful someday I’m sure. Right now all I want to do is find a job to teach!

And I am trying and trying to keep my spirit up because I know once it goes down I will never rise up again but I refuse to be beaten by the things around me and i know that there are those who are always cheering me on and i know there are those who are so much more unfortunate and so i will persevere because i am thankful for all that i have.


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