


當朋友越來越讓你無法忍受的時候, 該怎麼做呢?
我這樣隨便的很少有這樣的問題的. 最多也是別人沒辦法忍受我吧? @_@ 不過在我朋友一整天的抱怨+冷嘲熱諷再很理所當然的拿著電話打了兩個小時後, 我不得不考慮甚麼樣的朋友值得我留在身邊.

唉, 算了. 是不是我太小氣了?

今天去了個叫羽咋的城市, 騎了差不多3個多4個小時, 卻沒有看到我們想看的妙成寺. 不過一路在海邊騎過去, 也不覺得浪費了時間.

回來的路上噴嚏不停, 翻遍了箱子卻找不到夾克.


同樣的話跟不同的人講, 聊天象影印機.

算了, 我現在粉不爽的, 明天再來貼照片好了!


5 responses to “羽咋”

  1. Jiajia, what is “羽咋”? Some kind of Taiwanese?

    Try to talk it out. Let her (I assume?) know that no one should take friendship for granted, and you do have limits.

    Hope all goes well.

  2. Hi, don’t worry about this. Do you still remember several days I was in the same river as you. But everthing is fine now. 🙂

  3. 呵呵,我昨天收到一个人的Email,她说和我做朋友已经毫无意义了!我就在想,真的做朋友的时候也不是那么有意义嘛! 除了讲些冠冕堂皇的话题之外就是不断的自我保护。再则,大部分时间只是流连网络上的交流,电话都没怎么打过。

  4. take care of yourself
    Health is the most important thing you should never ignore it 🙂

  5. 羽咋是个地名,发音叫Hakui.
    有人已经帮我骂过他啦!其实我也知道不应该装没事,可是我最讨厌confrontations. 不过我现在也没什么了。

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