


拿美女出來打廣告 🙂

在長野, 站在M-Wave的觀眾席上, 空蕩蕩的冰場和過去太久的回憶, 都蒙上了一層灰, 怎麼也拭不乾淨.

Three day weekend. Nagano. Known perhaps mostly for the 1998 Olympics.

1998年的長野冬奧會讓我愛上了花樣滑冰. 確切說是對那年的金牌得主一見鍾情. 幾年閒我的直排輪技術突飛猛進.

For those who were with me, few will remember the name of this figure skating gold medalist, but many might remember “oh yeah, that guy Julie was totally obsessed with in high school.” (the other one :P)

然後我愛上了別人. 開始發展我的籃球事業. (希望我愛上的下一個人不是甚麼鉛球之類的選手…. -____-“)

If I only lived for myself and not for others. Where would I be right now? Perhaps I will be a better artist and worse basketball player. But why wonder about the impossible?

那一年我在網上認識一個女孩. 我們說好存錢一起去2002年Salt Lake City的奧運會. 去年大學畢業的時候, 她問我, 還記得高中我們說過要一起去奧運會嗎? 當然. 後來還有一個人跟我們約定要三人行去歐洲. 再後來我們再也不提”一起”這個詞.

I would still like to go to the Olympics. Someday. It’s frightening if you think about it. For those whose goal is to win an Olympic medal, 4 years. There goes your college years. 4 more years. There goes your twenties. Another 4 years. There goes your youth, energy, and perhaps, confidence and ambition.

東京京都北海道, 每到一個城市都會去看看歷史久遠的城堡和傳說很靈的神社和寺廟. 善光寺, 熟悉的煙霧迷漫, 虔誠信. 無聊的走進偏僻的小院, 發現春天的氣息. 我總是被小小的驚喜打動.

I like temples. I do. Sometimes I feel like you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. But there’s always something, usually some little thing, that lets me distinguish one from the other. I always wonder what God thinks of all these temple visits. But then again, my religious beliefs have always been a little outside of the norm.

在酒吧里發表過很多偉大的誓言. 總很合適的在第二天早上忘記. 讓人忘記的不一定是酒精. 大學的時候喝酒是種刺激, 拿著別人的ID, 很努力想表現出成熟的一面, 也許更顯得幼稚. 雖然現在也還是記不住甚麼就是甚麼顏色裡面有些甚麼惹人犯罪的東西, 我想有一天我會不會也淪落到不為友情, 不為愛情, 不為心情, 而只為了喝酒而喝酒.

Sometimes we might skip the famous temple. But I can’t think of one city where we skipped the bar. Sometimes I wish I can get drunk faster (which would mean cheaper). But I can’t think of one incidence where I got drunk enough to really forget anything.

憂鬱. 孤獨. 無爭. 幸福.

Monkey park. I think more than watching the poor monkeys with absolutely no privacy, I rather enjoyed the muddy hour long walk through the forest. If only I could be alone. But perhaps then I would be afraid. There’s no such thing as perfection.

小布施. 城市如同名字一般可愛. 下火車的一刻, 站在站台上, 似乎記起了初到日本的心動感覺. 不小心又摧殘了相機一回.


Railroad tracks are beautiful. Directors love them. As I’m typing this the movie that won’t go away is 1900. I think if I ever had to kill myself, I would lay myself on a railroad too. But I doubt I would ever kill myself.

在某位大家的作品包圍之下創造自己的藝術品. 或者, 可以稱之為, 相機電池用不完又不想回家的女人們的無聊消遣.

I call this series: Experimentation of Photographer Wannabes with Too Much Time and Too Few Friends.

白馬. 這個名字總讓我想起金庸筆下某個悲情女主角. 風也很大, 把耳機塞得緊緊還是聽到風的輕嘯. 可惜沒有殺狼的少年郎, 沒有多疑的武林前輩, 甚至沒有該死的追兵, 在大雪中奔跑只是為了趕上最後一班回家的巴士.

Small towns are meant to be seen on foot. Through photos. For a day or two. To remember, reminisce about, but not to revisit. I always think it’s better to regret what might have been than to regret what is.

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4 responses to “長野”

  1. cathome01 Avatar


  2. Wow, you were right; I had to google to recall that skater boy’s name, although the outfit did look awfully familiar- the mad cow one? Wasn’t Iliya the reason behind you reading ‘Crime & Punishment’ while we were coasting through economics at Richland? Anyway, I, on the other hand was secretly (that’s the operative word) all about Russian gymnast Alexei Nemov-12 Olympic medals and a hot bod to boot! Ok, that’s enough.

  3. You are so cool.

  4. cathome~ 呵呵,我的照片大家都看腻了

    diane~ hehe, i totally know who u r talking about. i really liked him for a while too. made a webpage for him in hs. see, i don’t like to be secret about my crushes =p

    alex~ i know 🙂

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