Frustration Arises



Life can be quite frustrating. Sometimes things work out, and other times they don’t. But time moves on and so must we.

It’s also frustrating when I uninstall McAfee, it forgets to disassociate itself from all programs such as Outlook and MSN. Anyone know how to change the settings on Outlook so I don’t get an error everytime I open it?

I will think of happy things in life. I love all my friends, my family, my cute and smart if too hyper puppy. I love everyone who loves me, some more than others and some in different ways. I love my laptops, my iPod, my camera, and all the other expensive but fun toys I have. I love being me, being where I am and where I’ve been, being able to control where I’m going.

So I will go to sleep thinking of all the things I’m thankful in life, and none of those that make me sad.

And I love you for always being here, getting to know me little by little, and tolerating my daily blurbs of nothingness such as this 🙂


3 responses to “Frustration Arises”

  1. alex u r awesome ^^

  2. 超级女声海外声援里面,有一个mm长得好像jiajia呢!!

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