Category: China
354 | We Were Strangers Once :: Guilin, China, 2013
I met Soraya and her then boyfriend on a day trip to the terrace farms in Guilin. She was young and vibrant, eager to learn about Chinese culture and found me to be an interesting intermediary whom she could pose otherwise sensitive questions. Our time together on that trip was short, but we kept in…
353 | We Were Strangers Once :: Tibet, 2014
As a non-Chinese citizen, getting to Tibet is not easy, so I decided to take that trip before leaving the country. We arrived in Lhasa and joined the rest of our tour group, 3 teachers from an international school in Nanjing and a lone Italian train conductor. There was way more driving than I expected,…
329 | Shoes :: Shanghai, China, 2013
Found on the floor at a Warhol exhibit. Very fitting at the time.
324 | Sleeping :: Shanghai, China, 2013
He looks like a school boy sleeping after classes, but I’m pretty sure this was after a pretty intense night of partying 😀
287 | Museums :: Shanghai, China, 2014
Having fun with friends in the sticker room at Kusama Yayoi’s A Dream I Dreamed exhibit. She’s now one of my favorite artists.
285 | Rainbow (Violet) :: Shanghai, China, 2013
Wallpaper at the Warhol exhibit (possibly not violet).
275 | From Up Here :: Shanghai, China, 2014
I lived in a high rise next to the IAPM mall in central Shanghai for the last few months of my time there. It only occurred to me later that it was the only time I ever lived in such a high rise. I had never had a desire to be up so high, but…
242 | Doors :: Tibet, 2014
Tibet is known as the roof of the world, with an altitude of 4,500 meters. You can easily tell the Tibetan people from the tourists, with their faces showing the weathering from the sun. We saw many elders there, faithfully turning the prayer wheels, touching their heads to the ground, some kneeling every step of…