Category: Indonesia

  • 238 | Doors :: Ubud, Bali, 2013
  • 217 | Monkeys :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    217 | Monkeys :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    This little guy and his mom live at the peaceful monkey temple outside of Ubud. They have learned to play with the humans who will bring them food. I love his wrinkly face and beautiful eyes curiously staring at the world, and at the moment, me.

  • 099 | Masks :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    099 | Masks :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    Stealing the caption for today: Although Barong masks have become popular items among foreign collectors, to the Balinese they are much more than objects of aesthetic merit. Every Balinese village has a Barong that it considers its guardian. The Barong mask is a means of both giving the spirit tangible form and harnessing its energy.…

  • 083 | Dolls :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    083 | Dolls :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    I first encountered these Indonesian rod puppets at the San Francisco Asian Art Museum. There was a wall dedicated to these creatures, looking eery yet regal with their elongated bodies, dressed in elaborate outfits and either grotesque or beautiful masks. I was mesmerized by the intricacy of the puppets, from the colorful embroidery on their…

  • 052 | Strangers :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    052 | Strangers :: Bali, Indonesia, 2013

    Our Bali cooking class started with a tour of the Ubud country side, so we could see for ourselves where our food came from. It was harvest season, and farmers were busy cutting down the ripened rice stalks in the field. This lovely lady saw me point the camera at her, and flashed the brightest…

  • Take Me Back

    Take Me Back

    My Facebook feed has been taken over by a group of friends’ trip photos in Southeast Asia. They are somehow doing a trip through four countries in 2 weeks where it took me 2 months. I got super nostalgic Friday night and threw together a compilation of a bunch of random videos I took on…

  • The Instructor

    The Instructor

    Southeast Asia is probably the #1 destination for backpackers. It’s cheap, and it’s unique. Mostly because it’s cheap. In Indonesia, you can get dinner for two dollars, a t-shirt for three, and an hour’s worth of massage for a whopping six dollars. The exchange rate between USD and IDR is 9700. We round it up…

  • I

    I <3 Monkeys

    Heading home for a couple of weddings and some family time and stuck at the HK airport with a 12 hour layover. Might as well take advantage of the Cathay Pacific lounge access! In 3 hours I already uploaded most of the photos that I couldn’t get to Picasa while behind the Great Wall, and…

  • The Power Of Hello

    The Power Of Hello

    Day 3 in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. I already fell in love with this place the day arrived, and it hasn’t ceased to amaze me yet. We left early in the morning for the mountains, joining a tour of four to bike through the villages of rural Bali. Our two tour buddies are from my new…