Category: Korea

  • 267 | Unexpected :: Seoul, South Korea, 2013

    267 | Unexpected :: Seoul, South Korea, 2013

    Also found in Korea… this little 3D museum with all kinds of gems like this one!

  • 266 | Unexpected :: Jeju, South Korea, 2014

    Jeju is a beautiful little island off the coast of South Korea, known mostly for its scenery and tranquility. But then this local attraction shows up — Jeju Loveland, a sex themed park that’s all kind of wacky! According to trusty Wikipedia: During the 1970s, Jeju Island became a popular honeymoon destination for Korean couples,…

  • 209 | Soldiers :: Seoul, South Korea, 2013

    209 | Soldiers :: Seoul, South Korea, 2013

    This category exists because I thought it was pretty impressive I managed to take this many photos of soldiers XD This palace guard in Seoul is pretty amazingly cool.

  • 138 | Statues :: Jeju Island, South Korea, 2013

    138 | Statues :: Jeju Island, South Korea, 2013

    So there is this place called Loveland on Jeju Island and it’s pretty much a erotic statues park. These are some of the tamer sculptures we found there, but are quite representative of the funny and sexual nature of everything in the park. Definitely one of the weirder tourist attractions I’ve ever visited!

  • 汉城印象


    in ,

    各位看客们,那个,从出发前就保证过的韩国照片经历千辛万苦终于出炉了…. 只不过,有个坏消息…. 整理过程中发现… 我怎么把个韩国拍得那么像咱们中国呢? @_______@ 这一批照片,基本上是没有太多特色的,所以…. 就被我当PS练习玩啦…. 😛 因为这次行程很短,也没有认真去准备,根本不知道去哪里好。再加上一到韩国就开始肚子痛,走不了多久就吵着要回去。白天去的地方就是两个皇宫,看来看去都跟故宫差不多,汗…. 晚上都在逛街,因为逛得太开心,连相机都忘记拿出来了…. ^_____^;;; 其实的确是想写一些关于韩国的感想的。但是,短短三天时间,看到的实在太少。不想做摸象的盲人,就着模糊的印象说些贻笑大方的话,干脆作罢。嗯,想这也不会是我最后一次去韩国,就等下次有机会再好好观察记录吧。 报告完毕。悄悄溜走~~~~~~~~ ^______^””””” >>>> Seoul Photos <<<<<