Category: Slovakia
252 | Bicycles :: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016
A very loved bicycle it seems! Apparently the owner also collects bells.
243 | Doors :: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016
Bratislava was one of those Eastern bloc cities that grew so quickly that some parts of it got left behind. We were there for a brief day trip, and on our way back to Vienna, we meandered our way through a little alleyway that led us to this door. You can still seen the remnants…
175 | Tunnel Vision :: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016
Underground walkways are like boxes of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get.
135 | Statues :: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016
Random dude sticking his head out from a manhole in Old Town Bratislava. Some say he’s a Communist worker being lazy at work, some say he’s a sleaze bag looking up girls’ skirts. I think he’s probably just taking a break.
062 | Street Art :: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016
The train ride from Vienna to Bratislava is only one hour and six minutes, but it sure felt like we went back in time. The train station was small and old, and unlike most major cities’ train stations, there were no tourist guides and free maps, or even an attendant who spoke English or German.…