Category: America

  • 019 | Events :: Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2012

    019 | Events :: Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2012

    I arrived in Chiang Mai pretty late at night. After hopping into the taxi, I soon realized the driver had no idea where my hostel was, and prayed that all the people he stopped to talk to were locals giving him directions, instead of gangsters who might want to sell a confused foreign tourist into…

  • 010 | Night :: Tulum, Mexico, 2016

    010 | Night :: Tulum, Mexico, 2016

    Just a few of us headed down to the beaches of Tulum in celebration of Elaine’s birthday. The official birthday dinner was at an Italian restaurant right by the beach. Our table sat on a terrace overlooking the water, our wine glasses shimmered next to the candle filled jars, and we cheered to friendship and…

  • 008 | Night :: San Francisco, CA, 2012

    008 | Night :: San Francisco, CA, 2012

    While not my best photography work, I love this photo of the Valentine’s Day pillow fight one rainy night in San Francisco. It’s events like this that makes this city so vibrant and dynamic, the willingness of strangers to come together to celebrate a silly idea with utmost enthusiasm. Not to mention Valentine’s Day is…

  • 005 | Reflect :: MoMA, NYC, 2010

    005 | Reflect :: MoMA, NYC, 2010

    “Humor. Love. Imagination. Inclusivity. The best art taps into our shared experiences and emotions. It moves. It inspires. It entertains. It reflects life.” In my early days I did not appreciate abstract art. My taste for modern art stopped at the impressionists, the dreaminess of Monet’s water lilies and Degas’ ballet dancers. Then I discovered…

  • 003 | Reflect :: Newseum, Washington DC, 2010

    003 | Reflect :: Newseum, Washington DC, 2010

    What is the purpose of journalism? At the root of it all, journalism emerged from a need to keep the public informed. People used to have high expectations for journalists, calling the media the “Fourth Branch of Government,” depending on the good men and women in this field to stand their ground as the unbiased…

  • Home Sweet Home

    Home Sweet Home

              In the summer of 2011, I received a university fellowship to study US-China relations in China and went back to my homeland for the first time in 7 years. As a victim of theft, I lost my green card, and my return was delayed for three weeks as I scrambled…

  • All That Glitters Does Not Shine



    It seemed only natural to stop in Vegas on our cross country trip. I vaguely remember my first trip to Vegas, how impressed I was with the bright lights and flashy sculptures. This time, I didn’t even have an inkling of desire to walk down the strip. I begrudgingly agreed to do so anyway, and as…

  • Squad Goals

    Squad Goals


    in ,

    This morning at work: – Forgot my badge, go to work anyway – Realized that I locked my computer in drawer and key is attached to badge – IT dad was not here yet so I took a loaner and “broke” into it – Got yelled at IT dad for locking computer in drawer –…

  • Heard




    I live on a busy street next to a funeral home and across from a church. There is a police station right around the corner next to juvie court. Next to those, are some of the most posh restaurants and furniture shops. On the way to the Bart station i’ll see people in fancy dresses,…

  • Antelope Canyon

    Antelope Canyon



    Just testing out WP Jetpack functionality 😛