Category: America

  • The Hike

    The Hike



    [embedyt][/embedyt] I didn’t know at the time, but that was the closest to death I’ve been in a while. The day started with a few missteps. I forgot about the weird time change from Arizona to Utah, and we made a few u-turn somewhere along the way. By the time we got to Zion,…

  • With It or On It

    With It or On It



    As I jumped (or more like flopped) over yet another muddy wall, hand aching, knees throbbing, and my entire body trembling from the freezing rain, I contemplated the psychology behind the wild success of the Spartan Race. The amount of money people will pay to torture themselves, just to be able to say they could…

  • Embrace the Magic

    Embrace the Magic



    I watched my first magic show last week. It was only in hindsight that I realized I had never seen a magic show before, and immediately felt like I missed out on my childhood 🙁 David Gerard calls himself a magician and a mindreader, and I would add improv comedian to that list as well. He opened…

  • Afterglow


    The first few days are hard. When you open your eyes, blink twice, slightly confused by the strangeness of your familiar surroundings. This isn’t where I’m supposed to be, a voice in your head protests. But it is. Break is over, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, whether you want to be here…

  • Burning Man – The Prologue

    Burning Man – The Prologue



    It’s the day before I leave for Burning Man and I can’t breathe. No, not because of the excitement of going to to my first Burning Man. Just a bad case of the common cold or flu that’s got me practically bedridden for three days now. What a great way to go into the desert.…

  • Counting Stars

    Counting Stars



    I remember watching the Leonid meteor shower in college with my church youth group a long long time ago. We drove far from the city and laid down on blankets staring up at the sky. We made wishes to shooting stars and giggled over the silliness of those wishes. I now know that shooting stars…

  • The Finish Line

    The Finish Line


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    I hate endurance sports. So naturally, my first exercise goal of the year was to complete a sprint triathlon. Now hear me out — there was reason to this madness. As much as I love playing sports, I’ve never been awesome at any of them. I absolutely hate running, and go biking maybe once a year. It’s…

  • Muni story

    Muni story



    So SF public transportation has a pretty bad rep, from bacteria infested seats on BART to service always interrupted Caltrain to never on time Muni. With the intensifying price war between Uber and Lyft, most of the time it’s just not worth the hassle to mess with the public transportation system. But I don’t mind.…

  • Best Christmas Present Ever

    Best Christmas Present Ever



    I just had to write this down so I can make fun of my sister for eternity 😛 We were spending Christmas with the relatives and met my cousin’s mother-in-law for the first time. I’m not sure how great her eyesight is and she may also have had a bit to drink. Her conversation with…

  • The Pink Bunny and Other Pink Things

    The Pink Bunny and Other Pink Things


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      After a month I finally discovered a secret VPN for my work computer. It’s pretty unreliable for Facebook, but at least I can go back to my normal routine of perusing through Feedly every morning. And this morning, it is not without sadness that I read this piece of sad news via SFist — the pink…