Category: America
276 | From Up Here :: Horseshoe Bend, USA
Horseshoe Bend was a short stop between Antelope Canyon and Zion, and I was pleasantly surprised. After the obligatory phot op, we climbed to the top of the small hill overlooking the canyon, away from all the tourist action, and from here everything looked even more majestic. Connie had been sitting below, and from here…
255 | Bicycles :: Burning Man, 2015
Everyone needed a bicycle to get around and Burning Man, and of course, you wanted to be as creative as you can with it. Since there are no lights, all the bikes were decked out in LEDs, so you don’t run into someone while riding drunk in the desert at night. During the day, the…
250 | Fences :: Dallas, USA, 2009
Hanging out with Roxy at the school across from our house. This is the fence that we climbed over all the time, and she used to be able to jump over it with such ease. She’s now old and feeble, and can barely stand up to greet me when I visit home. It’s so sad…
236 | Sky :: Maui, USA, 2015
We were on the beach doing yoga when the sun started to set. There was a call to go to dinner, but no one answered. Then before we knew it, the sun became completely hidden behind this single patch of cloud, and radiated its final light in such brilliant fashion.
231 | Sky :: San Diego, USA, 2016
I love flying Virgin America for many reasons, and this is one of them — I actually love their little American flag on the wing, which makes for a great photo out of that tiny little window every time.
226 | Looking Up :: Burning Man, 2015
Taking a moment to appreciate the lovely patterns of this tent at Burning Man. Art is found everywhere, you don’t have to try too hard or go to far if you just pay enough attention.
225 | Looking Up :: Dallas, USA, 2006
Looked up one day to find my little sister sitting up on the roof reading a book! A bit quirky that one.