Category: America

  • 039 | Words :: Los Angeles, USA, 2016

    039 | Words :: Los Angeles, USA, 2016

    Found at The Broad in LA.

  • 034 | Words :: Washington D.C., USA, 2010

    034 | Words :: Washington D.C., USA, 2010

    “You are my witnesses,”declares the LORD,”And my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me there was no God formed, and there will be none after me. — Isaiah 43:10 This wall sits at the entrance to the Holocaust Museum. The scripture…

  • 033 | Music :: San Francisco, USA, 2009

    033 | Music :: San Francisco, USA, 2009

    I used to live by Embarcadero and would jog from the Bay Bridge up to Pier 39 and back in the mornings. There was always this kid playing the trumpet next to the Ferry Building. He was a cute kid, looking classy in his suit, tie, and fedora. Unfortunately, his playing was really not all…

  • 031 | Music :: Memphis, USA, 2008

    031 | Music :: Memphis, USA, 2008

    My Australian friend Lucy came to do her first tour of the USA and the places she picked were NYC, Chicago, and Tennessee. Really? Not San Francisco? New Orleans? Portland? Tennessee? Yes, she firmly replied. So I packed my bags and joined her. Despite my skepticism, it was an amazing trip! After spending the weekend in…

  • 030 | Music :: Dallas, USA, 2010

    030 | Music :: Dallas, USA, 2010

    So, while searching for music pictures I came across this one of Beyonce. I thought it was pretty incredible that: I forgot that I’ve seen Beyonce live (albeit from very far away) I forgot that I went to the NBA All Star game (would have been a good one for events week) It’s so interesting…

  • 029 | Music :: San Francisco, USA, 2009

    029 | Music :: San Francisco, USA, 2009

    Fleet Week is one of my favorite times in San Francisco. For a week, sailors from the navy, marines, and coast guard recently home from their overseas deployment come to town, and the city celebrates with events, cheap drinks, air shows, and parades. The Blue Angels fly all over the city, and often show up…

  • 026| Events :: Winter Olympics, Vancouver, Canada, 2010

    The invitation was late and whimsical, but I didn’t mind. Three weeks before the Winter Olympics began, I bought a ticket to Vancouver. Tickets to all the major events were sold out of course, but there were plenty of second hand ones to be found. We picked the ladies figure skating finals, one of the…

  • 023 | Events :: Texas, USA, 2010

    023 | Events :: Texas, USA, 2010



    The tradition of Renaissance festivals started in the 60s, by a hippie teacher named Phillis Patterson. According to an interview, her purpose was to “not just give people another diversion and another place to spend their money, but to give them a chance to broaden their perspective about other times and places.” The first time…

  • 021 | Events :: Mountain View, USA, 2012

    021 | Events :: Mountain View, USA, 2012

    When I was in high school, I was really into Kpop. All the girls were super cute! I wasn’t a big fan of the boy bands though, they all seemed a bit scrawny, and sometimes I really couldn’t tell they were men. By the time I went to my first Kpop concert, I was already…

  • 020 | Events :: Drum Line Competition, Dallas, USA, 2010

    020 | Events :: Drum Line Competition, Dallas, USA, 2010

    Eleven years after graduating from high school, I went to my first high school drum line competition. I had an enthusiastic discussion about the movie Drumline with a friend at a party a few weeks before, and she found a local competition for us to go to. Our presence there was unusual I’m sure, being…