Category: USA
231 | Sky :: San Diego, USA, 2016
I love flying Virgin America for many reasons, and this is one of them — I actually love their little American flag on the wing, which makes for a great photo out of that tiny little window every time.
226 | Looking Up :: Burning Man, 2015
Taking a moment to appreciate the lovely patterns of this tent at Burning Man. Art is found everywhere, you don’t have to try too hard or go to far if you just pay enough attention.
225 | Looking Up :: Dallas, USA, 2006
Looked up one day to find my little sister sitting up on the roof reading a book! A bit quirky that one.
224 | Looking Up :: Antelope Canyon, 2015
I loved walking through Antelope Canyon, and especially looking up to the sky to see the sliver of light shining down, basking the already vibrant sandstone in a golden shimmer (impossible to photograph with my little point and shoot).
185 | Shadow :: Dallas, USA, 2009
Having some fun with the garden installation in the Nasher Sculpture Museum.
173 | Just Pretty Things :: Washington DC, USA, 2010
San Francisco has amazing weather, people always say. That’s true, but sometimes when I look back in December and wonder, where did the year go? I would say to a friend remember when we did this in the spring? And they would say, was that spring? I thought it was summer. Actually, maybe it was…
172 | Just Pretty Things :: Los Angeles, USA, 2009
It was a random weekend to take a trip to LA. We went to Oktoberfest, hung out at the beach, ran into Kobe Bryant in the hotel lobby, and threw a surprise birthday party. It was because of this project team that my life changed in more ways than one. It wasn’t that we didn’t…