Category: Life
Life is fragile
2016 started a bit rocky. The year started with a drama filled night in Taipei, followed by a frantic search for a new flight due to misreading of China’s visa-free program, and an impromptu weekend in Tahoe. The weekend was wonderful, except it led to two full weeks of the most painful illness and incredible crabbiness.…
Hello Again
A month passes. Then two. And all of the sudden, you can’t even greet people with happy new year anymore. It’s been three days since I moved back into the House of Glee. It’s funny how sometimes you end up where you started. There’s a vague sense of familiarity but nothing is the same, really.…
On being another year older
I feel like I’m losing my sense of time. Birthdays and new years. The best occasion for reflections and resolutions, as they so clearly mark the passing of our days. I’m not a big fan of either, perhaps for exactly that reason. Some people, in their younger days, could not wait to grow up. I…
While We Are Able Nike is using this story to exploit our compassion and promote their new product, and I applaud them for it. It seems that too often we as a society decide that it’s too economically inefficient to come up with solutions that can alleviate a desperate need for a small group of people. So instead…
Before I Go
I don’t want to, but I’m not afraid to die. Just watched Jimmy V’s speech and it reminded me of this article I read. Cancer is a scary word. You can eat right, exercise 5 times a week, stay away from drugs/alcohol/cigarettes, and somehow still end up with it. And then there are people who eat bacon everyday, chain…
The Finish Line
I hate endurance sports. So naturally, my first exercise goal of the year was to complete a sprint triathlon. Now hear me out — there was reason to this madness. As much as I love playing sports, I’ve never been awesome at any of them. I absolutely hate running, and go biking maybe once a year. It’s…
Same same, but different
Africa, Eastern Europe, or Burning Man? You know life is good when your biggest dilemma is making a decision between these three for your second big trip of the year. Two of my favorite reads last year were Madeleine Albright’s Prague Winter and Milan Kundera’s Unbearable Lightness of Being. So when Prague, Budapest, and Vienna were among…
Being present
Stole this article from Jeannie this lovely Tuesday morning 🙂 For a long time I focused on the idea of “I think therefore I am” when it comes to the idea of self, reality, and meaning of life. But most recently I have come to value my connection with the world as a significant part…
Life is not a masquerade
First, a word of warning — this is going to be long. Three Miles I listened to this powerful story on This American Life today about three students from a poor school district in South Bronx, whose lives were forever changed by a visit to a neighboring private school three miles away. I don’t want to give…