Category: Life
Job search postmortem
As I embarked on my one last week of freedom before going back to work, I decided to do some postmortem analysis on my job search process. Since I’m a nerd I made it into a methodical data mining exercise 😛 Anyway, here goes! After 7+ years in consulting, I was looking for a career transition for…
My new favorite hashtag is #awesomegfs. In my younger days, I always preferred guys friends who had similar interests as me, easier to get along with, and in general needed less from me. Then as we grew up, I slowly lost one guy friend after another to new cities, busy lives, and amazing women. Luckily, I’ve been…
Funemployment Quarterly Review
So it’s been almost 3 months since I returned to SF. I’m no longer homeless, but still looking for that perfect job (ok, at this point I’m loosening up my definition of perfect). As someone who gets super anxious when it comes to wasting time, I thought it would be good to review the past…
Regrets, I’ve had a few
I don’t think I agree with Ira Glass on his opinion of regrets, or his distaste of the song My Way, which happens to be one of my favorites. I’ve regretted a lot of things in life, the things I’ve lost (oh that’s a long list of electronics), the chances I didn’t take, the people…
Catch Me If I Fall
It’s been almost 3 months since I left Shanghai, and I finally feel at home. Apartment hunting in San Francisco has become quite ridiculous. Even at a budget that was double my previous rent, I couldn’t find anything in a remotely comparable location. Then by sheer chance, I ended up finding a unit in the…
The Missing Wallet
The summer after my sophomore year in college, I made my first trip back to the motherland. As I gleefully embarked on a shopping spree in the underground market, a thief stole my wallet, which inconveniently contained my green card. The one month that followed was agonizing as I navigated the channels to somehow get back into the…
夜裡起來倒水喝,走進客廳看見忘記關掉的聖誕燈,在角落裡孤零零地閃爍。一時被那不曾預料的美麗震撼,竟是光著腳站在那裡發起呆來。 還記得一個人過的第一個冬天,在金澤那小小的七畳室里。之前的房客留下了一棵小小聖誕樹和許多滿天星的燈。我圍著屋子挂了一圈又一圈,都還沒有用完。那一個個漫長的冬夜,我也曾常常這樣呆呆的看著它們閃爍。心血來潮找到那時候寫的字,是這樣描述的:”居然找到一串聖誕燈. 掛起來, 沒有星星的夜晚我可以數它們. 這是我的火柴盒唯一的飾品.” 我最需要感謝的恩賜,就是可以被看到美麗的聖誕燈這樣細微的小幸福填得滿滿。在最最沮喪低迷的日子裡,我都會覺得,雨總會停,藍天還是會出現,人生畢竟是美好的。
The Pink Bunny and Other Pink Things
After a month I finally discovered a secret VPN for my work computer. It’s pretty unreliable for Facebook, but at least I can go back to my normal routine of perusing through Feedly every morning. And this morning, it is not without sadness that I read this piece of sad news via SFist — the pink…
#1 As my first week back at work is coming to a close, I guess my long vacation is officially over. As I battled with the shells of a particularly resistant crayfish on a busy street in Shanghai, discussing the ousting of their prime minister with a table of Australians, I suddenly remembered the date,…