Category: Love

  • Together


    I just finished reading The Art of Loving, a classic of sorts by Erich Fromm. The book was structured and reads like a scientific thesis, and I shall restrain myself from crediting that to the stereotype of German methodical precision. I’ve often thought it futile to analyze the anatomy of love, to make sense of…

  • The Selfish Heart

    The Selfish Heart

    I just finished The Selfish Gene. The book introduces the idea that the gene (the DNA based unit that passes on hereditary traits from one generation to another), in its natural inclination to survive and propagate, stands at the center of evolutionary development. While the first chapters were interesting, it was the section on the evolutionary…

  • The Pink Bunny and Other Pink Things

    The Pink Bunny and Other Pink Things


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      After a month I finally discovered a secret VPN for my work computer. It’s pretty unreliable for Facebook, but at least I can go back to my normal routine of perusing through Feedly every morning. And this morning, it is not without sadness that I read this piece of sad news via SFist — the pink…

  • 那些让你温暖感怀的友情记忆



    七月一号上班,六月二十五号才拿到需要的各种文件,匆忙的定了二十六号到香港的机票去办工作签证,二十七号又风风火火的赶回深圳赴与VV商量了好多年的的聚会。本来是准备促膝长谈直至天色发白,可是一大早起来,嗓子却哑到不成样子。晚上大家热闹聊着生活与往事,我只能哼哼唧唧的偶尔插个嘴,然后郁闷的埋头肢解一只又一只小龙虾。 聊起当初是如何相遇,那已经是快上个世纪的事了。想当年写博客的人不多,论坛也没有几个,圈子其实小得很。也不记得是谁先发现了谁,偶尔的留个言,踩个脚印,加个MSN,居然就神交了这许多年。以至看到VV打开门,虽然是第一次见面,也就像到了老朋友家里,很是不客气的当自己家了。 因为不能说太多话,晚上吃完饭回到家里,就各自捧着电脑做自己的事情。我各种念旧,在电脑上翻出了N年前从坛子上存下来的一个帖子:那些伤心欲绝的爱的记忆。看文件的日期,是2007年的6月存下的,在坛子上找了找,却是找不到了。那些故事,有的是我们自己的,有的是别人的,每一篇都能拍一出催人泪下的文艺片。这么多年了,我们都老了,生老病死都经历了一些,为风花雪月流眼泪似乎都已经是值得怀念的青春往事。 而VV对我说,只有你,还是把爱情看得比天大。我想了想,对她说,不是啊,我并没有把爱情看得那么重要,只是把事业看得很轻。这其实已经是一种奢侈。我实在觉得我是个无比幸运的人,身体上最大的毛病不过是肩膀习惯性脱臼,父母家人纵容我过自己想要的生活,学业事业虽非一帆风顺却也无大起大落。爱情或许是唯一的挫折,却也因此走了不一样的路,成为自己还算喜欢的一个人。我其实觉得上帝并不是公平的,我的人生已经是幸福得让我有些害怕。 在深圳机场待机的时候写下这些话,想念着那些许多年来默默潜水着关注的陌生却熟悉的我们的我们。即使想说的话越来越少,毕竟我们曾经彼此陪伴着走过那些伤心欲绝的日子。

  • 随缘自适,随遇而安。


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    梅雨季到了。在新居,安静的早上,开窗,深呼吸外头湿漉漉的气息。 人生便是这样,只要还有呼吸,那么结束便是新的开始。

  • This too, will pass.


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    “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” – Earl Nightingale Two weeks in Shanghai. I’ve settled into my new apartment, now fully furnished and decorated with IKEA everything. After 8 months on the road, I finally have a home of my own again. Of course, until the last month, I always…

  • Courage



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    I watched 2 episodes of Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday this evening. Yup, I admit it, I watched Oprah, and I liked it! The two episodes featured Maya Angelou and Brene Brown, and among the lessons they shared, one in particular stood out to me: courage. For a while and particularly over the past month, I’ve…

  • 至青春

    那天是在地铁站里看到海报,才知道这本书要拍成电影。因为是很喜欢的辛夷坞,就赶紧先找来书重温了这个故事。 我没有在中国上大学,但我很爱看校园小说。我的大学生活是贫乏的。当年因为一些愚蠢的原因失去一个全额奖学金的机会,也没有去我想要的大学。为了在父母面前争一口气,我的大部分时间都在打工中度过。我甚至都没有住过校,对于那种与舍友的革命感情只能羡慕与向往。但其实不管是否经历过那样的生活,这些故事里的爱情,友谊,在时光中流失的纯真和成长的无奈,不管你的青春是如何逝去的,你都会懂,都会回想,都会怅惘。 书里的人物,个个都是鲜明的。你觉得他们偏执也好,卑鄙也好,天真也好,总是要带着一种恨铁不成钢的眼神,恨不得走进故事里去说一句,你呀,这样是会要遍体鳞伤的。几个臭男人也就罢了,不喜欢,却是讨厌不起来。那几个女孩子却是一个个心疼得不得了的。后来想想,也不过是因为她们的挣扎自己也都曾经历。年轻的时候每一个人都执着过,而最后呢?是放弃,妥协,还是决绝?而那鲜血淋漓的伤口到底什么时候才能结痂,又是否永远都还是会痛? 电影却是让人失望的。许多细节没有时间好好说清楚,故事便有些莫名其妙。人物平板而苍白,就连结局也被改掉了。 算了。我后来想,我只是忘记不去期待。 还年轻的时候,爱得不留余力,放手也是不带走一片云彩的洒脱。黑是黑,白是白,一点也不肯妥协。哪里像现在,受了伤吃了苦,咬着牙吞下肚子里,人前一样笑吟吟的,不知道多理智。哭得天昏地暗如果没人在乎,不如塑出个顶天立地的女强人样子,或许久了就真成了这样铁石心肠。对错心里明白,却不再为此争论。做得到自己问心无愧已经是要十二分努力,何必去强求别人也要如此。 那一年我丢失了我的凤梨,新的网址是i miss me。这么多年过去,我是的确越来越喜欢现在的自己。但每当想起那已经逝去的青春,我都会有些悲哀的怀念起当年那么舍得挥霍它的我。

  • Feed Your Positivity

    Feed Your Positivity

    I’ve been wanting to write more, but life got in the way. Because this is a travel blog, I had thought I wanted to keep it strictly travel related. Then I realized that I can’t take life out from my travel. The thoughts that I have on life are actually probably the most important treasure…

  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

      (I borrowed this photo from The Guardian cuz it’s much prettier than anything I can take.) It was the best of years, it was the worst of years. As I sit under the shade of a beautiful tree in Hyde Park, Sydney on January 1, 2013, a few hours before the new year even…