Category: Reflection
A few notes
1. I miss The Wire. Considering I had only started it a month ago, it’s amazing how attached I am to the story and its characters. Attached in an awkward, “I wouldn’t really want to be friends with any of you, but I miss eavesdropping into your lives” sort of way. No one’s perfect, and thus…
The first few days are hard. When you open your eyes, blink twice, slightly confused by the strangeness of your familiar surroundings. This isn’t where I’m supposed to be, a voice in your head protests. But it is. Break is over, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, whether you want to be here…
Life is suffering — and yet
Sometimes words just hit me. They are usually unembellished, short enough to be skipped over for a skimming reader like me. Then I move my eyes back over, and find the words so heavy with profundity that I must read the them aloud in my head, one word at a time. Later I will forget the context, forget the author, and…
While We Are Able Nike is using this story to exploit our compassion and promote their new product, and I applaud them for it. It seems that too often we as a society decide that it’s too economically inefficient to come up with solutions that can alleviate a desperate need for a small group of people. So instead…
Everyone loves Cinderella stories. You know, the ones that go like this: Team Cinderella is a group of kids living in an underserved community. They had no money, no vision for their future, and no experience in [insert sport/art]. What they had was raw talent, and unbreakable spirit. They are usually misunderstood by their family and…
Love Wins
I’m a little emotional today after the SCOTUS decision, if only to have the consolation of knowing that my country is not completely going off the deep end. Lately it just seems the world has gone crazy, and people care so much more about their differences than their similarities. I’ve always believed that as an immigrant, I…
Before I Go
I don’t want to, but I’m not afraid to die. Just watched Jimmy V’s speech and it reminded me of this article I read. Cancer is a scary word. You can eat right, exercise 5 times a week, stay away from drugs/alcohol/cigarettes, and somehow still end up with it. And then there are people who eat bacon everyday, chain…
Being present
Stole this article from Jeannie this lovely Tuesday morning 🙂 For a long time I focused on the idea of “I think therefore I am” when it comes to the idea of self, reality, and meaning of life. But most recently I have come to value my connection with the world as a significant part…
Life is not a masquerade
First, a word of warning — this is going to be long. Three Miles I listened to this powerful story on This American Life today about three students from a poor school district in South Bronx, whose lives were forever changed by a visit to a neighboring private school three miles away. I don’t want to give…