Category: Reflection

  • Lessons from Dumbledore

    I live in a Christian household. That is to say, I have three wonderful roommates who are all devout Christians and had wanted another Christian roommate. They got me instead. Having spent most of my college weekends going to church, retreats, worship practice and Bible study, I have stepped into a church perhaps twice in…

  • And to you, if you have stuck with Harry until the very end

    In anticipation of the final Harry Potter movie, I started rereading all 7 Harry Potter novels some time last month. Unfortunately, I overestimated my reading speed and didn’t get to Book 7 until after the movie. As I turned the final page (or, rather, clicked the Next button on my Kindle one last time), I…

  • As Time Goes By

    Life is good. Not perfect, as only moments can ever be perfect, and not the collection of moments which makes up a life. I often feel guilty when I don’t write for days and weeks, since I know that with every second’s passing, there’s a black hole that devours memories of moments all precious in…

  • Being Nice

    I was at a leadership conference today.  I find it somewhat funny that people in a professional services firm such as mine still have that high school mentality where you don’t want to appear excited or interested when you go to development events because it may seem “uncool.”  Well, I have to admit that I…

  • Delivering Happiness

    I started writing this post a month and half ago and never got the chance to finish.  It’s been a while since I read the book, but today, as I walked back to my cube with 2 traffic tickets after a day governed by Murphy’s law, I smiled and thought, wow, I’m still happy after…

  • 馬虎影評

    最近似乎一切都很平順。 新交了一些朋友,都很合得來。有一個小姑娘,比我小四歲,遇見過兩次,就覺得很投緣。我喜歡積極向上又心地善良的好孩子。 新項目定在我仰慕已久的公司。投遞過兩次簡歷都沒有回音,所以,能有機會進去看看它到底跩在哪裡也好。這幾個月來習慣了在家裡上班,一時要回到朝九晚五的生活還真不期待。不過穿牛仔褲和球鞋上班一直是我的夢想,再加上免費吃喝,也就不抱怨了。 身邊的朋友繼續分分合合,聽到什麼都不再驚訝。有些人湊活能過一輩子,有些人眼裡藏不得半點塵埃。有人說,不要浪費這青春歲月。我心想,若真覺得少了異性陪伴便是浪費了這歲月,那才是虛度。不過這也是要許多年後才能決定到底誰對誰錯,那時也不過是個人自己的體會罷了。 看了几部旧片,以下是本人的馬虎影評。 前幾天看到狄仁傑之通天帝國得了不少金像獎,便找來觀賞了一下。實在是。。。故事不通,人物膚淺,對話偶爾有幾處精闢,其他扼殺腦細胞。除了特效,好像沒什麼值得一提的亮點。雖然也沒看其他提名的電影,劉嘉玲這個影后,從頭到尾一張冷冰冰的臉,需要演技的麼?罪魁禍首應該也是一開始就明了了吧?還有,那兩個曖昧的愛情故事,咋發生的呀?再說,裡面的壞人也太神通廣大了,簡直成仙了,而我們的主角們更厲害,都是玉皇大帝級別的。是不是我太沒想像力啊,腦筋怎麼轉都覺得情節一個比一個扯,然後突然給我個無比anticlimatic的結局,我連中文都懶的想了。我一般很少批評電影,覺得已經浪費時間看了,何必再浪費時間寫。這次只是想問問別人的意見,真是我不懂欣賞麼?@_@ 那之前看的是謝霆鋒的線人。看的時候還不知道他得了影帝,只覺得他演小混混還真不錯。故事也不算老套,但覺得若是少了一條故事線會更緊湊些。個人覺得墮落的桂綸鎂比清純時更有魅力,很稀飯。陸毅演得實在是不倫不類,張家輝演得一貫的好,但我最喜歡的其實還是廖啟智,太搶戲了。 不信邪的看了最後一部大擂台。一開始還有些懷疑,但是越看越精彩,人物一個比一個鮮明可愛,整部戲有喜有悲,還有些人生道理。特效或許不如人家,漫畫式情節點到就好,不嫌多餘。沒有激起觀眾熱血的噱頭,也沒有完美大結局,簡簡單單的故事,恰到好處。 寫完回頭看看,才記起來那部與狄仁傑打擂台的劍雨我也看過了,那時候也覺得故事不咋樣,但起碼兩個主角還是刻畫得挺好的。大S同學的表演有些莫名其妙,但算了,人家新婚,又是配角。還有幾出,蘇乞兒,趙文卓實在是很可愛,但周杰倫!你到戲裡面是去幹嘛的?任達華和吳君如在歲月神偷裡面很好看,不過還真是背啊。吳君如還是適合演喜劇,神奇俠侶多樂呀。讓子彈飛,非誠勿擾,趙氏孤兒,我還真挺喜歡看葛優那鼠頭鼠腦的樣子的。簡直就是為了兩位帥哥看的槍王之王,嗯,的確,就是看帥哥。我居然還看了新少林寺。劉大俠演戲很認真。不過咋都一個模子呢? 最後的總結,電影就是講故事,要有頭有尾有高潮才耐人尋味。你把背景佈置得再漂亮,觀眾入不了戲也是枉然。 不過,好電影壞電影,可以邊上班邊看電影的日子還真幸福呀。:P

  • Julie Recommends

    I had planned to work on my 7+ hour long flight from SFO to ATL (accidentally bought a 1-stop ticket), but since I just got The Big Short downloaded to my Kindle, I decided to read a few chapters first. Well, I didn’t get any work done, but I did finish the book! This is…

  • Tiger Mothers

    Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior – This is such a controversial article that I just had to keep it on record. I actually didn’t think of writing anything down despite several discussions with friends about this until I read this response: Tiger Mothers Leave Lifelong Scars. I don’t plan to give an opinion about the…

  • The Little Prince

    “Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de St. Exupery My website logo is a pineapple with a little tag that says 731. Next to it is a simple description, “Asteroid No. 731.”…

  • From How to Die to How to Live

    There was a great article in NYT last week titled What Broke My Father’s Heart. The first paragraph sounded slightly like the beginning of a bad murder mystery: as the father slept in the bedroom upstairs, downstairs in the parlor, the mother asks the daughter to help turn off his pacemaker over a cup of…