Tag: China
354 | We Were Strangers Once :: Guilin, China, 2013
I met Soraya and her then boyfriend on a day trip to the terrace farms in Guilin. She was young and vibrant, eager to learn about Chinese culture and found me to be an interesting intermediary whom she could pose otherwise sensitive questions. Our time together on that trip was short, but we kept in…
287 | Museums :: Shanghai, China, 2014
Having fun with friends in the sticker room at Kusama Yayoi’s A Dream I Dreamed exhibit. She’s now one of my favorite artists.
285 | Rainbow (Violet) :: Shanghai, China, 2013
Wallpaper at the Warhol exhibit (possibly not violet).
275 | From Up Here :: Shanghai, China, 2014
I lived in a high rise next to the IAPM mall in central Shanghai for the last few months of my time there. It only occurred to me later that it was the only time I ever lived in such a high rise. I had never had a desire to be up so high, but…
237 | Doors :: Shanghai, China, 2013
I just have a thing for doors. You can just let your imagination run wild when you come up on a door. What’s on the other side? Who lives here? Where does it lead to? Then there are the little surprises, maybe the door will open unexpectedly. Maybe there’s a tiny window that invites you…
208 | In Transit :: Shanghai, China, 2014
You can barely see him, but there is a man at the front of this trailer, pulling this gargantuan stack of bamboo chairs by foot along this heavily trafficked streets. Moments like this gives me perspective on the things I take granted in life.
161 | Self Portrait :: Everest Base Camp, 2014
The view from base camp was gorgeous. The clouds had just cleared so you can actually see the peak of Everest. It was hard to garner that feeling of reverence though, given the noisy crowd surrounding me, people clamoring to get close to the weathered and humble sign that said “Mt. Qomolancma Base Camp, Elevation…
154 | Cats :: Shanghai, China, 2014
The book’s name is Today. The cat seems to be quite comfortable laying on a stack of them, which is honestly also how I spent today, the first day of 2018. Not the most exciting perhaps, just as 2017 was not the most exciting year. But if 2018 goes the same way as 2017, it…