Tag: family
The Tie That Binds
My sister came to visit me this past month. I think we spent more time together than we have in years, perhaps had more candid conversations than we’ve had, ever. There were quite a few incidents where people asked us who’s older, which always made me ecstatic as I am and always will be 13…
Best Christmas Present Ever
I just had to write this down so I can make fun of my sister for eternity 😛 We were spending Christmas with the relatives and met my cousin’s mother-in-law for the first time. I’m not sure how great her eyesight is and she may also have had a bit to drink. Her conversation with…
再吃10次蛋糕 就可以找到爸爸了 邱文周/文 給可愛的女兒﹕ 爸爸和你玩了好多次捉迷藏﹐每次都一下子就被你找出來。 不過這一次﹐爸爸決定躲好久好久。你先不要找﹐等你14歲(還要吃完10次蛋糕的時候)﹐再問媽咪﹐爸爸躲在哪裡﹐好不好﹖ 爸爸要躲這麼久﹐你一定會想念爸爸﹐對不對﹖不過﹐爸爸不能隨便跑出來﹐不然就輸了。如果還是很想爸爸﹐爸爸就變魔法出現。淫猥是魔法﹐不是真的出現﹐所以不犯規﹐爸爸不算輸。 爸爸的魔法是﹕趁你睡覺的時候﹐跑到你夢裡大玩游戲﹔在你畫圖畫爸爸的時候﹐不管好不好看﹐你覺得是爸爸﹐就是爸爸﹔當你拿爸爸的照片看時﹐爸爸也在偷偷的看你…. 要記得﹐爸爸一直都陪著你﹗ 你已經是4歲大的姐姐了。爸爸要拜託你一件事﹐要你照顧和孝順爺爺﹐奶奶和媽咪﹐看你是不是比爸爸以前做得好﹖有多好﹐媽咪會告訴你的。爸爸猜想﹐我們這一次玩捉迷藏要玩這麼久﹐爺爺﹐奶奶﹐媽咪有時候看不到爸爸﹐他們一定會偷哭。偷哭就是犯規﹐就是失敗。他們偷哭﹐你就要逗他們笑﹐不然游戲輸了以後﹐他們一定會哭得更厲害了。好不好﹐寶貝﹖你們是同一國的﹐來比賽看你們厲害﹐還是爸爸﹖ 準備好了嗎﹖比賽就要開始了﹗