Tag: graffiti

  • 062 | Street Art :: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016

    062 | Street Art :: Bratislava, Slovakia, 2016

    The train ride from Vienna to Bratislava is only one hour and six minutes, but it sure felt like we went back in time. The train station was small and old, and unlike most major cities’ train stations, there were no tourist guides and free maps, or even an attendant who spoke English or German.…

  • 054 | Strangers :: Cartagena, Colombia, 2015

    054 | Strangers :: Cartagena, Colombia, 2015

    My last stranger hails from Cartagena, Colombia. I’m not a great photographer and my project is more about the stories than the photos themselves, but this is one I’m quite fond of from the photography perspective. The street vendor just happens to be in the perfect place at the perfect time and wearing the perfect…

  • 038 | Words :: London, UK, 2014

    038 | Words :: London, UK, 2014

    It has been a long day and I’m in the mood for reading words rather than writing them. So for today’s entry I will present you with this: Hope you feel the same 🙂  

  • Moroccan Diary – Book 3

    Moroccan Diary – Book 3

    It turned out that the bus we got on to go to Fes was a local one, and our 3.5 hour journey extended to 6 hours. I started reading Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, which turned out to be quite depressing. Although, it did make me feel guilty about my discontent regarding the bus ride. Life…