Tag: reflect

  • 365 | Reflection :: San Francisco, USA, 2017

    365 | Reflection :: San Francisco, USA, 2017

    I have to admit this third installment of Project 365 was harder than I anticipated. Yet at the end of it all, it was just as rewarding as the first two. The past few years have been filled with adventures, not only in terms of travel, but in terms of personal growth. I don’t think…

  • 139 | Water :: Inle Lake, Myanmar, 2014

    139 | Water :: Inle Lake, Myanmar, 2014

    When people think of Inle Lake, the image of the fishermen with their nets basking in the early morning light often comes to mind. I have that photo too, except the fisherman was just an actor, and waits around to pose for tourists like me. I found that rather disappointing, but there’s no way to…

  • 008 | Night :: San Francisco, CA, 2012

    008 | Night :: San Francisco, CA, 2012

    While not my best photography work, I love this photo of the Valentine’s Day pillow fight one rainy night in San Francisco. It’s events like this that makes this city so vibrant and dynamic, the willingness of strangers to come together to celebrate a silly idea with utmost enthusiasm. Not to mention Valentine’s Day is…

  • 004 | Reflect :: Bhaktapur, Nepal, 2014

    004 | Reflect :: Bhaktapur, Nepal, 2014

    Bhaktapur literally translates as “The City of Devotees,” and lives up to its name. In addition to the majestic ancient temples, you can’t go more than a block or two without running into stone statues set into the wall, surrounded by fresh offerings, with the occasional praying worshipper. A large rectangular pond called Siddha Pokhari…

  • 003 | Reflect :: Newseum, Washington DC, 2010

    003 | Reflect :: Newseum, Washington DC, 2010

    What is the purpose of journalism? At the root of it all, journalism emerged from a need to keep the public informed. People used to have high expectations for journalists, calling the media the “Fourth Branch of Government,” depending on the good men and women in this field to stand their ground as the unbiased…

  • 002 | Reflect :: Jiuzhai Valley, China, 2005

    002 | Reflect :: Jiuzhai Valley, China, 2005

    I’m planning a China trip next year to visit friends, take care of some business, and show J where I grew up. He’s never been to Asia before, and I’m looking forward to showing him all the natural beauty and rich culture my native country has to offer. I do have to say that I’m…

  • 001 | Reflect :: Louisville, Kentucky, June 2010

    001 | Reflect :: Louisville, Kentucky, June 2010

    In 2010 I was pulled onto a project in Cincinnati, Ohio. The office was in the Central Business District, and everyday during lunch, my coworker and I would walk across the Purple People Bridge to have lunch in Kentucky. One weekend I decided to stay in town and explore, and ended up in Kentucky instead.…