Tag: russia

  • 352 | We Were Strangers Once :: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013

    352 | We Were Strangers Once :: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013

    Sheila and I met at the hostel in St. Petersburg. I have to say Russian hostels seem to be less friendly than other countries. As two Americans, we hit it off pretty quickly, and agreed to be companions during our remaining time in the city. She took some of my favorite photos frolicking in the…

  • 213 | Soliders :: Moscow, Russia, 2013

    213 | Soliders :: Moscow, Russia, 2013

    There was some military march/rehearsal going on just as I walked out of the Kremlin, and I sat there for about an hour watching all the handsome Russian soldiers line up and practice, along with a handful of other tourists. This Japanese guy  with his Spirited Away traveling gnome was not shy about taking his…

  • 198 | Palaces and Stuff :: Moscow, Russia, 2013

    198 | Palaces and Stuff :: Moscow, Russia, 2013

    Sometimes I find it strange that I’ve been inside the Kremlin before I ever got to visit the White House. Now that I think of it, I’ve never even been inside the Texas State Capital building. And given the current situation, I really highly regret not visiting the White House during the previous presidency. Sigh.

  • 177 | Tunnel Vision :: Moscow, Russia, 2013

    177 | Tunnel Vision :: Moscow, Russia, 2013

    When you visit a country like Russia in winter, you’ll immediately acquire an affinity and appreciation for underground tunnels. I perhaps lingered longer than I needed whenever I’m underground, just to get a slightly longer reprieve from the wind. Snapped a shot of this pink bundle of joy, whose brightness brought a bit of color…

  • 088 | Dolls :: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013

    088 | Dolls :: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013

    Can’t have a week of dolls with out these matryoshkas! I had planned to buy a set when I went to Russia, but the pretty ones were quite expensive, and I never found anything super unique like the political ones. Good thing too, since when I came back to the states and did a search…

  • 014 | Flora :: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013

    014 | Flora :: St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013

    One of my favorite animated feature is Anastasia, the story of the lost Russian princess who finds her way back to family, her lost memory recovered with the help of a music box. In love with the movie, I went on a research rampage into the lives of the last Romanov family and the conspiracy…